
Video of barn animals found alive after Hurricane Helene is everything

Video of barn animals found alive after Hurricane Helene is everything

We still don’t know how much damage Hurricane Helene caused. But things appear to be looking up after a woman came across a group of barn animals who managed to get to safety during the worst of the storm. The woman, Lindsay, was so excited to see that the animals were doing well. And people online were just as relieved.

Lindsay was so excited to see all the animals happy and alive in the video she shared online.

Lindsay was driving around after the storm passed when she came across a whole group of donkeys, pigs and sheep.

“What are you all doing?!” she exclaimed in the clip. “Aren’t you smart?!”

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Apparently the entire crew moved to higher ground during the hurricane is really smart. They acted instinctively and finished safely! Of course, they were soaking wet when Lindsay found them. But it seemed like the animals were just as happy to see Lindsay as she was to see them.

“The barnyard animals survived the hurricane! I’ve never been so happy to see them,” she wrote in the on-screen caption.

The entire comments section cheered. “He said to the pig: SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WAS COMING BACK!!” one person exclaimed. “The pig is running for precious babies,” someone else said. “Literally crying because it’s so good to see the survival stories. I have no family there but my heart is there with all those affected,” someone else commented. “Animals are smart! Always let them go! They know where to go,” one person wrote.

Take care of large animals during a hurricane

There isn’t always much time to make plans before a hurricane hits. And although you can often take smaller animals to safety, large animals are a completely different story. If you have time to evacuate before a hurricane, try to remove all stable animals from the area 72 hours before the storm is expected to occur. Make sure you have all the papers with you. If necessary, try to avoid all heavy traffic and strong winds.

Unfortunately, you don’t always get a warning. Storms can hit and quick thinking is needed. It is true that most large animals are safest in a large pasture with low areas that can provide shelter during storms and high areas that will not be flooded after a storm. You will also want to close the doors of your barn or stable and open all pasture gates inside. Make sure that your animals are all provided with identification via tags and that the information is up to date. It may not seem right, but the risk of them being injured or killed is much greater in a stable. And as you can see: it really works. Just look at the warm welcome Lindsay received from her cheerful (and living) animal friends.

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