
These Snacks love Energy am Schreibtisch

These Snacks love Energy am Schreibtisch

If you want to achieve high temperature, you can avoid the mistake of premature time. “It’s hard to make a wonderful living,” said Caroline Brunnbauer of the Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz. All welding is consistent and durable with a smart approach to follow-up – or last longer. Worauf kommt is dabei an? Four tips in the Überblick:

Tip 1: Use an omega-3 fat kit

«Brainfood» (auf Deutsch: Gehirnnahrung): So the Nahrungsmittel were generated, which are suitable for the optimal functioning of the Gehirns. The «Brainfood» classic is now ready. There may be no proteins near the omega-3 fatty acids. “These fettsäuren have changed the function of the function one of the previous years,” says Caroline Brunnbauer.

Gabriele Kaufmann from the Federal Center for Ernährung (BZfE) rät, for everything at Walnüssen-zuzugreifen. There are many people who are finding their way to the future of nussen, no longer as a handful of pro Tag zu nehmen. Some modified variants are possible.

Other: Wertvolle Omega-3-Fettsäuren, which is for human health, can no longer be found in Nüssen. Auch in fettreichem Fisch since si enthalten – etwa in Heilbutt, Hering, Lachs, Makrele, Thunfisch or Sardines. Make sure you have not eaten any of the classic Schreibtisch-Snack. If you hang up one of the Fokus-Phasen products, you can start with the Ernährung dem Gehirn Gutes-tune.

Tip 2: Abseits des Schreibtischs: weighted ash trees

Our best results are the nervous effects of serotonin, melatonin or dopamine. It is not possible to function in gray. Manche Botenstof can take photos of the Körper himself, which Baustoff gets more out of his amino acids. Die wiederum sind in Eiweiß zu finden. There are only products with egg white in the Ernährung einbauen: egg, milk products with quark or yogurt, meat and Hülsenfrüchte.

When the plant substances are released, it is no longer possible to use amino acids: other vitamins, unpurified fats, mineral substances and carbohydrates are notorious.

Heißt: You have weighed the costs with some of the most common components, which is better for us. “A positive effect on Mediterranean costs,” says Caroline Brunnbauer. Neben Fisch, gesunden Ölen und Nüssen also fell Gemüse and Obst auf dem Speiseplan stehen.

Tip 3: Leistungstip? Lieber den Schokoriegel verkneifen

What was the question when the glove was in the working phase or when one of the konzentrationsfähigkeit was nachlässt? Süßes als Nervennahrung? “Einen Schokoriegel zu essen, that is in solechen moments inherently not optimal,” says Gabriele Kaufmann. When the damn energy didn’t last long, while the Zucker would work his ass off, the effect would evaporate as quickly as possible. Then it can often be a problem to solve a problem.

“Besser ist es, bei nachlassender Konzentrationsfähigkeit einen Müsliriegel or der Studentenfutter zu zu nehmen”, rät the Ernährungsexpertin. These snacks contain a complex and long-lasting carbohydrate – a healthy taste. If you continue along the Verdauungstrakt zu Glukose ab. So if you use energy and broke, the money can bring more and more profit.

Another trick, if the man who goes high wants: a banana essence. If you have a high dose of fruit acid and glucose, it is bulky and there may be no mineral substances in vitamins A, B, C and E. “Nor effective is the effect if a banana is combined with yoghurt or buttermilk,” says Gabriele Kaufmann. Schließlich could be eaten with extra mild products that make it tasty.

Another option, one of the geistigen fitness is a kick you can get: one of the best things you can do. Or a few cards with an egg or quark. “The mixture is provided with an ideal mix of egg white – in cheese, egg or quark – and long carbon hydrates – in whole wheat bread or carton,” says Kaufmann.

Tip 4: Don’t enjoy forgetting

Isn’t this a problem? «Viel trinken», by Gabriele Kaufmann. It is best to ensure that the material process and information flow are carried out optimally and that the quality of the learning process is optimal with a fluent care provider.

Ideal as a two liter pro Tag, is the best washer, tee or light saftschorlen. If pure Leitungs or Mineralwasser products are a rage, the Karaffee on the Schreibtisch with a few Blättern Basil or your own Gurkenscheiben can be. Hauptsache, der Körper – and damn it gehirn – ist gut mit Flüssigkeit provided.

Amino acids are taken from the kitchen, a bone substance from the cupboard. Protein besten daraus, wobei Hülsenfrüchte wie Linsen a good pflanzliche Quelle sind.

Amino acids are taken from the kitchen, a bone substance from the cupboard. Protein besten daraus, wobei Hülsenfrüchte wie Linsen a good pflanzliche Quelle sind.
Photo: Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

Omega-3 Fettsäuren are found in Lachs fish.

Omega-3 Fettsäuren are found in Lachs fish.
Photo: Christin Klose/dpa-tmn

More Omega-3 Fettsäuren are needed. Roads of the highlands Kaloriengehalts gilded aber: nur in Maßen snacken.

More Omega-3 Fettsäuren are needed. Roads of the highlands Kaloriengehalts gilded aber: nur in Maßen snacken.
Photo: Christin Klose/dpa-tmn