
Follow 21: September 2018: Der umstrittene Richter

All sequels to “Vier Jahre Trump”

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This audio film is part of the project “Vier Jahre Trump”. Darin has started with Donald Trump’s presidential election after 48 months in 48 episodes. All following information can be found here.

The transcript of the episode

MODERATION: In September 2018, the country will pass the Ernennung eines Richters am Obersten Gerichtshof.

It’s a Brett Kavanaugh, 53 years old, Conservative. We stop when we are concerned about the Supreme Court ruling. Trump made his appointment on July 4. The congressional elections begin in September.

They would like to hear more about the justice of the Senate. See the costs of services from the service The Handmaid’s Tale, A dystopian series is a religious belief with non-dry women. They protest Kavanaugh’s strong postcards.

Mitte des Monats tauchen Vorwürfe zur sexuellen Belästigung gegen Kavanaugh auf. Trotzdem: Trump has stopped a Nominierung celebration for the seine ships. The Abstimmung über the Ernennung will be postponed aber.

On September 27, psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford died before the Justizausschuss. She paints in Ruhigen Worten, while Kavanaugh disgusts his studies.

I thought he was going to rape me. I tried to scream for help. When I did, Brett put his hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming. This is what scared me the most and what has had the most lasting impact on my life. It was hard for me to breathe and I thought Brett was going to accidentally kill me.

Christine Blasey Ford

In those ten long days, predictably and as I had predicted, my family and my name were completely and permanently destroyed by cruel and false additional accusations.

Brett Kavanaugh

MODERATION: Kavanaugh is aggressive, behauptet, Ford doesn’t want to harm Ruf at all.

Führende Democrats Criticize Kavanaugh with a Different Grund. The legal scholar released his title “Roe vs. Wade” in 2003. There was a time ago when the Obersten Gerichtshofshofs was the American judge on the guaranteed guarantee in 1973.

Kavanaugh’s Kritiker says it’s a matter of chickens that will happen in 2022. It is one of the three things that Frauen keine Möglichkeit, sicher abzutreiben.

Zurück zu de Anhörungen in September 2018: Trotz aller Vorwürfe hat Kavanaugh Erfolg: Der Justizausschuss beschließt, seine Ernennung zur Abstimmung in de US-Senat zu geben. On October 6, there will be 50 of 48 events.

I’m Justizausschuss and I’m a politician in Kalifornien. The first thing that took years was that the first child in the Senate was gewählt. This is Juristin. I have claimed Kavanaugh’s Fragments and my gratitude for the Theme Topic for the chance that things went wrong. Ihr name: Kamala Harris.

Can you think of laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?

Kamala Harris

I’d be happy to answer a more specific question, but…

Brett Kavanaugh

Man vs woman.

Kamala Harris

There are medical procedures…?

Brett Kavanaugh

…that the government has the power to make a decision about a man’s body?

Kamala Harris

I thought you were asking about medical procedures unique to men.

Brett Kavanaugh

Let me repeat the question: can you think of laws that would give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?

Kamala Harris

… I’m not thinking about it right now, Senator.

Brett Kavanaugh


MODERATION: Zurück zu Trump. On September 19, travel there after North Carolina, in the city of New Bern. An image will emerge that Hurricane Florence turned upside down. Ein Hurrikan, der Geestes 48 Menschen das Leben taken hat. Trump doesn’t seem to be able to focus on chasing his yacht anymore.

In a conversation with anwohnern, it is one of the many things that Boot says: “We have made a great start. Schönen Tag noch!”


MODERATION: Was Trump about Trump said on September 25 at the General Debate of the United Nations for the State and Government of the World:

In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than virtually any administration in our country’s history. America’s… (Laughter) I didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay.

Donald Trump