
Finanzplatz: Helaba erwartet more Jobs in Frankfurts Bankentürmen

Finanzplatz: Helaba erwartet more Jobs in Frankfurts Bankentürmen

In the Frankfurter Bankentürmen, jobs can no longer be spared. Die Landesbank Hesse-Thuringia (Helaba) erwartet zum End des nächsten Jahres a Wachstum a four Prozent auf 73.500 Arbeitsplätze in der Stadt. First time that I would market some German trade markets with one of the nachlassening dynamics of my life, said Helaba-Chefvolkswirtin Gertrud Traut. The start of the assessment is the first quarter of 2024 with 70,700 social security contributions. It was a fact that the prize would last for more than a year.

Anyone who does not have another banking location in Germany will make a profit in the Main Metropole through the structure of the branches. In Germany, the banking industry in recent years has been hit as hard as Frankfurt with its Konzernzentralen, so the Helaba Study. The internal German stock markets are the first years in Frankfurt that bankers and bankers prepare for German and eleven Prozent watch. Auf Platz zwei folgt mit knapp sechs Prozent die bayerische Hauptstadt München.

The orders and the new new Fachkräfte, the recruitment at home and abroad became solsen, increased. A traditional banker is now often specialized in the implementation of regulations, digitalization, regulations or financial matters. “Frankfurt’s continuous economic development as well as institutional institutions in the international financial sector offers the opportunity, especially in the case of themes with sustainable finance or money-changing flows of money to profiles,” summarizes the study authorization by Ulrike Bischoff.

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