
Hesse: Zweites Childhood-Haus planted in Hesse

Hesse: Zweites Childhood-Haus planted in Hesse

Zweites Childhood-Haus planted in Hesse

Family Minister Stolz is after his own words “beeindruckt und überzeugt” vom Konzept des Frankfurter Childhood-Hauses. You can say the following: The fear of young bullshit will be extended.

Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – After the inheritance of the first Hessian children’s homes in Frankfurt for young Opfer und Zeugen von Gewalt, the Landesregierung will die a weitere solche Einrichtung fördern – diesmal in Nordhessen. The knowledgeable Family Minister Diana Stolz (CDU) in a Regierungserklärung im Landtag in Wiesbaden and. “Mich hat das Konzept des Childhood-Hauses in Frankfurt beeindruckt en überzeugt. Die Erfahrungen sind gut”, said this.

The Childhood House is a comprehensive outpatient care center for young children or sows of sexualization or physical activity. It is so that the Arbeit verschiedener Ämter und Disziplinen wie Jugendamt, Justiz, Polizei, Medizin und Psychologie are bundled. So children need to keep in mind that the different institutions are not being scrutinized and shamed.

Traces of rolled documentaries were possibly made in the Ambulanz, die Stolz erläuterte. It’s very heavy. Now with an amount of money an opportunity is offered, the celebration of the machine and the goal that you bring.

The land administration has a unique value in Frankfurt in the legislative period of childhood with a value of 1.4 million euros.
Only the first half-years die a year ago and 400 children are mourned, said Stolz. The purpose of a network is to strengthen companies in child protection and to be a partner for Kitas, Schulen, Fachberatungsstellen, Fachkräfte or Vereine. The country has awarded the children’s home an amount of 300,000 euros per year.

The purpose of its creation is the World Childhood Foundation. In 1999, King Silvia of Sweden was founded and Schwesterstiftungen in Germany, the USA and Brazil.

More Kind regards: “Kinder jeder Zahl steckt ein Kind.”

The Zahl der erfassten Kindeswohlgefährdungen hatte 2023 in Hesse a new
Höchststand erreicht, wie Stolz says. In 6,200 children or young children, the young adults are putting off a huge amount of money or sexual pleasure. There were statistics from 580 years ago. “Hinter jeder Zahl steckt ein Kind. So a single purchase. Children, the Schlimmstes are enlightened, psychologically as well as physically,” said the Minister.

“Es gibt Babies, who were taken into custody. Es gibt Children, who are from their own Family
heraus über Jahre geschlagen, muffled or sexually touched and/or
Over time, all these childhood traumas became a lifetime in itself. “Society and the State of Great Britain and Commerce”, the ministers of the protection of the smallest and the smallest and the junior
Please note that you cannot look at the radar.

The best child protection is that you first have no passion anymore, concrete Stolz. “Deshalb setzen wir bei der Prävention an.” In Hesse, Netz aus Beratungs-und is stabilizing
Unterstützungsangeboten for families. “Gemeinsam mit de Communes und Sozielen Organizations bieten wir Familienberatungsstellen, Erziehungsberatung en viele
Weitere Anlaufstellen, die eeninfach and kostenlos zugänglich sind”, ergänzte the Ministerin.
“Your früher Expertinnen und Experten Familien zur Seite stehen, desto here können
Overload situations can be avoided and prevented.”

Stolz can offer you a landbeauftragten for child protection and a country-influenced care, some of the affected countries more care for your care.