
Wofür der new SPD general steht Von dpa-AFX

Wofür der new SPD general steht Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The new SPD General Secretary Matthias Miersch hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz will announce his decision – will proceed to Kontra geben. “Olaf Scholz was able to die in his own lifetime,” said the 55th Anniversary in Berlin. Zugleich concreted there: “I was not bequeathed and a single Ja-Sager signal.”

The Niedersachse übernimmt with such stronger Wirkung das Amt by Kevin Kühnert, der am Montag aus gesundheitlichen Gründen überraschend zurückgetreten war. There are some of the most vulnerable parts of the world, with stable and steady performance.

Miersch is running for Scholz as Kanzlercandidates

The Bundestagsabgeordnete opted for the Bundestagswahl one year – in one of the strategic critical phases – even in the organization of the SPD-Wahlkampfs one. There are many people who think that Party Chief Lars Klingbeil is being brazen about the fact that he has chosen the faultless Wahlkampf for the organized Bundestagswahl hat.

Wahlkampf became “Aufgabe der Parteispitze jetzt sein”, like Klingbeil. The SPD has started to like it. Of course, the end of the coalition is no more common than the Ampel-Vertrag legacies. Aber: “If that is the case, then we will be satisfied.”

Miersch concrete, there is a party of a Chancellor candidate Scholz. It’s “not notorious”, but it looks like you’ve been nominated. “Wir haben einen Kandidaten”, he said. Nun müsse sich Scholz first came to active directing.

If you choose more options for the next Bundestagswahl, Miersch noch nicht öffentlich nachdacht. If there is a concern for the SPD, it will be the strong faction in the Bundestag. “And then it will happen again.”

Expert in Energy, Industry and Climate Politics

The common Hanoverian Miersch is a hereditary policy and strategy. Since 2005 in the Bundestag has been one of the representatives of the parliamentary links in the SPD. As Fraktionsvize it is an example of the Umwelt, Klimaschutz and Energy Politics. There is no talk yet of a large-scale Heizungsgesetz with Greens and FDP trade, but the SPD’s idea for an industrial policy – for the representation of the interests of Arbeitsplätzen and for a powerful Industrial Stream.

She is a Miersch expert in a Themenfeld, in the SPD a heart Wahlkampf-Auseinandersetzung with the Union erwartet. When lawyers are promoted to generalists, political themes can also be spread. That’s why it’s important to know: There’s no doubt that there’s no reason to worry about the Union’s Chancellor Candidates Friedrich Merz zum Beispiel in Talk Shows Paroli bieten.

Darauf freue is sich, concrete Miersch. Denn Merz verkorpere “everything, for that is not true”. Beispielhaft nannte Miersch die Merz-Aussage, Deutschland brauche Respekt gegenüber Besserverdienenden. “As a Sozialdemokrat I have respect for all,” he said. Politics wants to assume that the country lives together and no longer the Besserverdienern gehörten.

Miersch: “Sowas wie Schicksal”

In the SPD, the rule of law would concern itself with continuing to hold posts as minister or faction chief – so letztlich aber immer the Kürzeren. De Klingbeil and fellow participant Saskia Esken have now been given the task of creating the Generalsekretar, as “it was probably like that with Schicksal,” Miersch said.

It is true that the political sector in Berlin is losing its power. “I am, glaube ich, jemand, der sehr sensibel sein kann”, stated there. There is overload, it is a matter of searching.

Heikle situation Schröder-Ehrung

Der 55-Jährige gilded as Vertrauter von Parteichef Klingbeil – both originate from Lower Saxony. There is a volatile situation in the Fraktion, which is a good Ruf in the federal states.

A difficult situation must be managed if the most important information was received from Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder for 60 years of the SPD Mitgliedschaft. Miersch is the Bezirksvorsitzender in Schröders Heimat-SPD-Bezirk Hannover, who provides Schröder with a speech.

With one click on the Altkanzler, Nun ief can think: “Nicht zu sehr in black en white”. There are Schröders who have not helped Russian President Vladimir Putin and it is clear that the Russian Angriffskrieg is wishful thinking. “If the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Country will no longer shift, and it will not shift, the country will have herausal contents in the Iraq-Krieg.”

Miersch is a different type from the Vorgänger Kühnert, the rhetorical talent of the SPD that works. Die Fähigkeit, Menschen zu begeistern, de schätze is een Kühnert-besonders, sagte der Niedersachse.

An appeal is made to the fact that you are introduced to inhaling your points. All diplomatic qualities can be confirmed immediately. Since we are all in Flügel, it is a vertritt, the roads of the asylum courses of Ampel and of Kanzler Scholz. The new general matters are described here.