
Nice write-up, let’s see

Nice write-up, let’s see

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An accident by car is a shocking experience. If you are gilded, you will act diligently – and yet you will not be over-equipped. Fünf Maßnahmen, that which is sin.

While more assistance systems are being put into the Neuwagen Pflicht – and the car is becoming increasingly safer. One thing you can do is a natural fall that is not a nuisance. Make sure you don’t encounter any problems in the country streets. An Unfall always comes extremely violently – and when the force comes, the Puls shoots into the High. The more it is, if it was once in the information field, Notfall was how it went – then it has become a lot easier to save the nerves when the serious fall occurs.

1. An Überblick delivers – and Ruhe saves

If so, it is extremely difficult to keep a safe head after an accident. If you incur some of the costs, you may receive a warning and the far right in the Straßenrand. Your own protection is a first step, that is the Tragen a warning western unerlässlich. This is not the only way the car broadcasts are done. Getting around Take a closer look at the railway edge in the best hinterland of the Leitplanke. Behalten Sie immer the Verkehr im Auge and reach Sie sich einen Überblick über die Situation: Who have fallen persons since lost? Gibt es Gefahren, die sofortiges Handeln erfordern?

Mann hilft Frau nach an Autounfall
After a car accident, you can read the correct spelling. (Symbol image) © HalfPoint Images/Imago

2. Unfallstelle absichern

If you omit the note or are a lost kümmern, the Unfallstelle will be abgesichert, which we are of Car Club Europe (ACE) hin. It’s tough, but it won’t be any different than others in the future. Here is the warning sign that can be seen. In the Ortschaften sollte der Abstand zur Unfallstelle etwa 50 Meter betragen, on Landstraßen 100 Meters and on Autobahnen Swiss 150 and 400 Meters. A landmark is the Leitpfosten am Straßenrand: Sie sind in der Regel in a Abstand von 50 Metern aufgestellt.

3. Notruf absetzen

When the Unfallstelle is sichert, he will leave the Notruf. Use your smartphone or the modern “E-Call” system, one of the best ways to achieve this is a new option on the highway on the highway. If you are busy talking, while the passion of Unfall is, it was likely that many people appealed to some verletzungen. Vergessen Sie nicht, Ihre Kontaktdaten für Rückfragen zu hinterlassen. Some stations probably cannot distinguish themselves from the steadfast immunity – these goods cannot be separated in the Gestaltung of the Bundesland in the Bundesland.

4. Unterstützung holes

Since you are alone in an accident, you are – wenn nötig – oder Verkehrsteilnehmer um Hilfe biten, rät der A.C.E. If you wink and act if you have a brand, this is one of the things you can do. You can help even more people, it is possible that the lost will be rewarded.

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5. Helping the lost

If the rettungskräfte ends, it is separated, lost first steps. Laut dem ADAC Kann man eigentlich nur eines falsch machen: Nichtstun. Get yourself broke and rob the consequences. Überprüfen Sie bewusstlosen Personen die Atmung. With the person, you bring to the stable Seitenlage, one of the Atemwege free stops. If there is no party, start with the Herzdruckmassage: 100 minutes per minute with a pressured von fun Zentimetern in the Mitte des Brustkorbs. Wechseln Sie zwischen 30-mal Drücken und zweimaliger Beatmung. Ein Tipp: Es gibt Lieder, the right rhythm for the right resuscitation. Here three Beispiele:

  • “Bad Romance” – Lady Gaga
  • “Stay Alive” – Bee Gees
  • “Dancing Queen” – ABBA