
Mützenich: SPD-Fraktion skeptical about 1,000-Euro-Job-Prämie

Mützenich: SPD-Fraktion skeptical about 1,000-Euro-Job-Prämie

SPD Party Leader Rolf Mützenich hat Zweifel an der planten “Anschubprämie” für Langzeitarbeitslose bei Job-Aufnahme äußert. “The Bundesregierung ist der Auffassung, dass man met een Anschubfinanzierung von 1,000 Euro Langzeitarbeitslose whoder zur Aufnahme einer Tätigkeit move könnte,” said Mützenich of the “Rheinische Post”. ‘The SPD Bundestagsfaction has become sceptical. Wir haben da vadere Fragezeichen.”

The idea of ​​Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne), “1,000 euros will be spent on your work, including the work you can do, and the result will be better than the first look at a good job,” said the SPD politician. “If there are more workers who are willing to work together, who would still be able to run and work, who would be able to assess their needs and be judged correctly.”

New regulations will be released on January 1, 2025 in Kraft

Das Kabinett has a wide variety of schemes for Bürgergeld-Empfängerinnen and -Empfänger-beschlossen. If you can appeal to go bald with higher penalties. The rules are based on sole financial financing. Long-term loss, most of the money earns a social responsibility work since, sollen one-time costs 1,000 euros. Die Regelung soll zum 1. January 2025 in Kraft paper.

In the Reihen der Ampel-Koalition there is criticism of the previous situation. On the concrete of a Regierungssprecherin aber, the Federal Government became a plänenfesthalten. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) believes that he is skeptical about the approach to the plans. The planted Prämie is not “violent”, it says. “Aber damen tut es auch nicht weiter.”