
Labor market: Fachkräftemangel in der Gastronomie read more

Labor market: Fachkräftemangel in der Gastronomie read more

Der Mangel en Fachkräften in hotels, restaurants and cafés are grim zurückgegangen. Most Fachkräftelücke are in June 2024 in the Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat fast-halbiert, teilte das Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (Kofa) mit, das zum workgebernahen Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) heard. Hats in June 2023 in Hotel- and Gaststättenberufen more as 16,000 Fachkräfte fehlt, seien es in June dieses nur 8,800 gewesen – a Rückgang um 45 Prozent.

The problem is that most people don’t know that the installation is possible in that time frame, but under the grim zurückgegange Bedarf. Roads of the schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Situation of the gastgewerbes will be expanded with expansion plans, such as Jurek Tiedemann vom Kofa. The industry is no longer full of the corona pandemic.

Die Gastronomy people living among the strong people of the pandemic-affected people. I think the Corona Crisis is related to many problems in other cases. The industry that deals with the disposal of an unused kräfte – was the Bedarf nach Fachkräften ebenfalls sent. This means that your gastronomy will continue to work well, and your budget will increase your personal and lifestyle costs as well as the cost of your savings.

When the industry provides information about whether there are more credits, how the kofa parts can also be connected to the schwierigkeiten, the automatic sets will be adjusted. Be sure to check out the kitchen and the kitchen. Everything here is over 3,400 attacks on Couples. Fast service was often disappointing in system gastronomy and in gastronomy service.

This article is still current.