
“KI becomes unseen” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

“KI becomes unseen” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

“KI becomes unseen” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Photo: IDM

The “Digital Connect” event in Bozen is an opportunity to practice in South Tyrol in the Anwendung Künstlicher Intelligenz.

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) does not write text and generate images, which can also help you improve your efficiency, production process optimization and new avenues for communication.

Welche Chancen, aber ach Herausforderungen sich here ergeben, stand in the center of the events “Digital Connect”, that in Bozen which aspects rund um that KI in Unternehmen beleuchtet hat. The Event with 300 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern war a Community initiative of IDM Südtirol, the South Tyrolean Business Association and the NOI Techpark and bot high karätische Vorträge, interactive workshops, exciting autumn studies and great networking opportunities.

“I would have an unguarded question about private matters, because everything we have to offer is unacceptable. The research into these race antenna technological solutions is a matter of strengthening, with a smart intelligence in the external world, which can be a bigger nut to watch,” says Wirtschaftslandesrat and Landeshauptmannstellvertreter Marco Galateo. Common initiative with the event ‘Digital Connect’, shows the Wirtschaftsverbonden, IDM and the NOI Techpark with prominent key players in the country, who are with the Wirtschaft beschäftigen, as they will be, so Vizepräsident and Landesrat Galateo.

“New, computer-controlled technologies support the economics of the many sectors of a strong business environment, which is driven by AI, which in turn optimizes working conditions and boosts productivity,” said IDM CEO Erwin Hinteregger. Wettbewerbsfähigkeit setze in Zukunft den Einsatz von KI voraus. Unternehmer/-innen sollten daher als Ergänzung zur peopleschlichen in KI investieren, een met de weltweiten Konkurrenz Schritt zu können. “If you want to work efficiently, you can organize events that provide knowledge and best practices and bring new technologies and innovations to the table,” says Hinteregger.

Some of our colleagues are brave, AI-savvy and eager to integrate, including Nicoletta Boldrini, Expert for Emerging Technologies, Science Journalist and Chief Editor of Tech4Future. If you are looking for a clear solution, you will find the alternative strategy, a robust technological infrastructure and an innovative external culture that forms the basis of the history with AI images. Couples should say that Boldrini has an ethical Fragen and der great Verantwortung in a program with that technology.

Florian Hübner, CEO of KI-Agentur Startup Creator and with 400,000 followers Europe’s largest KI-Influencer, inspired by a workshop, with KI Marketing and revolutionary marketing – a new reward for new efficiency and personalization. “Because the advanced algorithms and the machines used by machines can no longer be identified and responded to in the Soul Group, interactions can take place with a personal personalization, which creates a simple war,” Hübner said. I know that it is not the case that there is a high brand value among its own sick groups, but a moment of doubt can be taken on the significant scaffolding.

Pure Inspiration was for the people involved in the development of praxisnahen Best-Practice-Beispiele Southtiroler Betriebe, die KI bereits erolgreich awenden. So there is Andreas Pichler of nature, who is KI in the landwirtschaft, a krankheiten and schädlingsbefall frühzeitig to recognize and die by datengetriebene entscheidungen to optimize. By reducing costs, costs are charged and revenue is obtained from sources, so Pichler. Alessio Trazzi von SIAG said, wie KI in de öffentlichen Verwaltung zur Besserung von Dienstleistungen für Citizens beiträgt. Susanne Waldthaler and Krista Frick from wedomagic GmbH propose the end of AI-enabled chatbots for legal fragmentation.

South Tyrolean countries that are working on their AI projects can start with the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), because Kurzem started in South Tyrol and with “Digital Connect” the teilnehmers and teilnehmern are in a vortrag-präsentierte. Currently EDIH is fully equipped with an information stand for further information. Südtiroler Partner van Forschung und Wirtschaft bündeln in diesem Hub ihr Knowhow, set Fachleute and bieten Services, a Betriebe bei der Implementierung von KI zu unterstützen.

In the Aussteller area of ​​”Digital Connect” relations and relations are located in a convenient location, where the expertise of South Tyrol informs and informs about the topic.

Das Event is a Gemeinschaftsprojekt von IDM Südtirol, lvh.apa Wirtschaftsverband Handwerk und Dienstleister, hds – Handels- und Dienstleistungsverband Südtirol, Südtiroler Bauernbund (SBB), Unternehmerverband Südtirol, CNA Shv Alto Adige Südtirol, Hoteliers- und Gastwirteverband (HGV), and NO I Tech park.

Photo(s): © and/oder/mit © Archiv Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung GmbH (sofern kein Hinweis vorhanden)