
Brechdurchfall at Reisegruppe in Wernigerode: There is a war with the Norovirus

Brechdurchfall at Reisegruppe in Wernigerode: There is a war with the Norovirus

The hotel can also be visited if you wish to visit it. You cannot understand hotel cuisine. Lebensmittel, Schneidebereiche und other Arbeitsflächen were demnach in Ordnung. If all goes well, the infection is in the hotels nearby and a Norovirus-Ausbruch is very dangerous, so Banse.

The HKK hotel did not have any autumn holidays during the Brechdurchfall festivities after the demolition of the affected people. Das teilte Verkaufsleiter, René Maue, MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT mit. “It’s not like there’s a lot of damage being done, but it could be that they’re a very unreliable guest in the capital investments.” Zum Zeitpunkt des Rettungseinsatzes am vergangene Woche Dienstag war das Hotel den Angaben after with etwa 350 Guests ausgebucht.