
Emirates factory neuen Shop in Geneva

Emirates factory neuen Shop in Geneva

New shopping strategy: Emirates ventures into the Swiss Einkaufsstrassen – so respond to the Swiss

The Arab Fluggesellschaft is a company in one of the larger Grossstadt, in the Kundschaft of Airline-Angebot it has become. There are no costs whatsoever.

I am working on an Emirates store in Hong Kong this summer, and the first one in Switzerland will follow in 2025.

I am working on an Emirates store in Hong Kong this summer, and the first one in Switzerland will follow in 2025.

Image: nvg

A loving love for Hong Kong: in the Asian metropolises that offer the Arab Fluggesellschaft Emirates a new world, it is barren in the existing world of Switzerland. The Kundschaft soll Darin Flugtickets can make a purchase and be treated personally. The guest friends and the different age of the airline that takes on the knowledge, so that they are no longer brought, are in a medium term.

Das Konzept, in Dubai in 2022, goes further than an Edlen Lounge, with many images, which the Emirates Services look at. If you would like to purchase a Filialgrösse seat for the new Premium Economy collection, you can purchase Emirates Merchandising items and travel accessories.

Das neue Reisebüro von Emirates a beste Lage in Hong Kong.

Das neue Reisebüro von Emirates a beste Lage in Hong Kong.

Image: nvg

“We are planning to make a successful start to 2025 in Geneva,” said Emirates Switzerland chief Mohammad Lootah in conversation with CH Media. Die Umbauarbeiten in der luxe Einkaufsmeile Rue de Rhône since bereits in Gang. These prices are low in Emirates costs. Schliesslich ist the Rue de Rhône with a maximum price of 6500 Francs per Quadratmeter and Jahr nach der Zürcher Bahnhofstrasse the zweitteuerste Winkeladres hierzulande (CH Mediaberichtete).

The view of the 250 Quadratmeter of the Emirates branch in Geneva will therefore last a year before the Franks have fallen. Kein Wunder said Lootah: “Die Schweiz is for a Schlüsselmarkt.” It is of course natural with the purchase kraft in the country of your choice. The Geneva branch will be the first art in continental life.

Fly to Dubai with a flight to Zurich on the Riesenvogel A380. Here comes the flight with the Boeing-777 – two from Geneva, one from Zurich. Insgesamt entspricht dies a Kapazität von 1482 Sitzen. The new Four-Class Boeing 777 with new Premium Economy Seats and the modern Business Class hat from Emirates in Kontinental Europe in Genf Lanciert, in October following Zurich.

Emirates Switzerland chief Mohammad Lootah: “We will analyze on the Zürcher Markt.”

Emirates Switzerland chief Mohammad Lootah: “We will analyze on the Zürcher Markt.”

Image: nvg

When the Geneva branch no longer knows what Lootah is, he says: “Wir of course analyzes at the Zürcher Markt.” Spruchreif sei allesdings noch nichts. The Geschäft was on the 31st anniversary, the Emirates-Geschicke here, on July from its office in Glattbrugg ZH out of date. The Krieg in Nahen Osten has yielded virtually nothing. Viele Geschäftsleute würden zwischen der Schweiz and Dubai fly back and forth. If you go on holiday, you can spend your free time in the large emirate of the Arab Emirate or fly with the Wüstenstadtstaat to Thailand, Maldives or Mauritius.

De Schweizer Konkurrentin Swiss ist Emirates in der Schweiz in Sachen Ticketoffice voraus. You cannot find a Filiale in Geneva, but the Standorte in Zurich, a flight at the Flughafen and one at the Paradeplatz. “The main group of city ticket offices is a mixed community, with a long-term status,” says Swiss speaker Meike Fuhlrott. Please note that the information about young people, the robber-like persons on the road, would be such a physical ticket issuer.

After the Corona pandemic, there has been a major damage to customer service, says Fuhlrott. When the ticket sales take place, the customers and clients can go directly to the website. «It is the best choice if you want a large price quote, if you get a sale of complex tickets or ‹Round-the-World-Tickets›.»

The knowledge schätzt laut Fuhlrott the directs Austausch with a number of Angestellten and the Möglichkeit, a personal answer zu haben. Is it possible that you want to buy more tickets abroad? Allenfalls as a Shop-in-Shop in SBB or Post-Branch stores? Fuhlrott rocks ab. The action is no longer possible. Aber: “Grundsätzlich überprüfen wir our Retail Strategy launched.”

As soon as the Swiss setzt auf Luxus: It may take a few years before you find a ticket office on the Paradeplatz in Zurich.

As soon as the Swiss setzt auf Luxus: It may take a few years before you find a ticket office on the Paradeplatz in Zurich.

Image: Swiss / zvg

The Swiss are more attracted to the Ticket Offices than in Geneva, in the Airports and in the Stadtzentrum, in Lugano, in the Bern Airports, in the Bahnhof of New York City and in Dar es Salaam, in the Hauptstadt Tansanias.

The other path towards complete digitalization is determined by Ryanair. Gemäss «The Irish News» has appointed chef Michael O’Leary at the end of the flight for 2025. Then checking in with the Irish Billigairline is no longer possible digitally via the app. If you find a passage for an amount of 55 euros, you will not be able to check in online.