
King Charles III. sagt wichtigen Termin ab

King Charles III. sagt wichtigen Termin ab

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König Charles muss aufgrund seiner Gesundheit bliben in London. One of the most important Australian travel destinations is now no longer visible.

London – King Charles III. (75) Kämpft seit For years, an indefinite Krebserkrankung and how the roads fell Termine and Verpflichtungen absagen müssen. Nun reiht sich ein weiteres Event in de Reihe dererer, de der Monarch leader nicht besuchen kann. Dabei lies ihm dieses Anliegen ganz besonders am Herzen.

As an environmental protectionist, King Charles and Diesem Gipfel want to be included

King Charles has his own money at the COP29-Klimagipfel in Aserbaidschan teilnehmen. The organizers of the 29. Klimakonferenz der Vereinten Nationsen have neither given the leading environmental protection and the Veranstaltung teilnehmen kann, as the Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt in der Hauptstadt Baku happen. Now that it is good, the Monarch will release this Veranstaltung roads to other common institutions.

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Generous messages nun, registration has begun, the king has not been bitten, Great Britain at the Veranstaltung of the Vertreten. An insider said so Mirror: “Der Konig wird nicht zur COP gehen. There is no question of a government that is not affected, one of the transformation processes, and we are thinking about our own Verflichtungen after the bevorstehenden Herbsttournee.”

King Charles’ flaming Speech for Environmental Protection

Charles, if some time ago he went to work with the King Camilla after his Australian trip, a spice tour that began, would undertake his engagement for the Gipfel over the years. In Dubai this month, the king was given a welcome speech at the COP28. The British monarch warned that in the most influential climatic conditions of Paris in 2015, the world would be “schrecklich weit vom Kurs” and take a sinful walk.

King Charles III.
King Charles Bleibt weighs signaler Gesundheit in London. An Australian trip, I’m Herzen, must stop now. © IMAGO / i Images

The United Nations Climate Change Conference is a meeting that took place at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, a gefährliche mensschliche eingriffe in the climate system of prevention. 198 Länder since Vertragsparteien des Übereinkommens. Charles told COP29 President Mukhtar Babayev, the Minister for the Economy and Natural Resources of the Republik Aserbaidschan, at Haus Clarence House in London in July.

The British monarch now having a Ruhepause will continue for a while. There is an insider who takes a short break, with King Charles taking the break and taking “a little minute break”. Spoiled Quellen: