
The Bergisches Panther has played a Spieler des Lokalrivals in Visier

The Bergisches Panther has played a Spieler des Lokalrivals in Visier

Burscheid/Remscheid. Look at the Bergische Panther, the Schlusslicht in the 3. Liga (Staffel Süd-West), and an interesting Spielern der HG Remscheid. Discussions were held with Julian Athanassoglou, 22-year-old Rechtsaußen, and Kreisläufer Sebastian Schön (25).

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The best Hans-Jürgen Middendorf on RGA-Nachfrage: “Eine Entscheidung is not affected by anything. Wir has expanded a commenden service.”

Frank Lorenzet is not involved

Manager Frank Lorenzet was aware of his current situation for Hörensagen. “There is a gaming relationship and that is true,” says Middendorf as one of the two Geschäftsführer of Bergische-Panther-Marketing-GmbH. “Die Gespräche met Spielern führen ich oder Philipp Schmitz.” Before we send a message Middendorf from the RGA, the Framework planning is more in the Hand von Lorenzet liege; Gemeinsam met dem 13. September als Sportlichem Leiter vorgestellten Schmitz.

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Nächstes Spiel in Rodgau: Trainer Erwin Reinacher sees Chancen

Die Panther takes place in Samstag (7:30 PM) at the HSG Rodgau Nieder-Roden. “Das is een veranlagte Mannschaft wie Hanau. I got a good feeling and now I’ve won a bit,” said trainer Erwin Reinacher.

If you are aware of Gegner, in recent years while in the Drittel series, you see nothing of anything in Fluss. “We will be happy to make the best of the Strudel,” says Reinacher in all Mannschaftsteilen. “Bekommen wir das hin, haben wir eine Chance.”