
NASA has started completing new missions category

NASA has started completing new missions category

The US Space Agency NASA has created a new mission category: the Probe Explorers. These species may become larger, the flagship missions and the smaller Discovery-Class programs disappear.
Weltraum, Raumfahrt, NASA, Weltall, Planet, Sterne, Nachthimmel, Astronaut, Milchstraße, Sternenhimmel, Sternschnuppen, Weltraumtouristen, Der Wüstenplanet, Wüste, Weltraumtourismus, Einsam

Middle class for innovations

The soul of the programs is an innovative and creative idea that has never made the university so successful. Two of the most advanced projects could describe this new category: the Advanced X-ray Imaging Satellite and the Far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics probe.

Nicola Fox, NASA director of the Wissenschaftsabteilung, explains the meaning of this new category: “You can increase creditworthiness to a new level.” If this mission no longer exists, there is no lack of knowledge, but the technology of the Entwicklung contains more technology for such large missions. The projects carried out give priority to astrophysical research in the coming years.

Both projects are now an initial source of funding for $1 million, surplus money from a funding study dedicated to a venture. After the phase ended the separation in 2026, both missions launched in 2032. The winner will then be the first mission of the new Probe Explorer category.

Zwei telescope

The Advanced The leading Wissenschaftler, Christopher Reynolds of the University of Maryland, has undertaken the cosmic ereignisse activities with this mission and the research observatory studies and the energy sequels.

The powerful mission, the Far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics probe, plans a 1.8-meter telescope, an infrared beam into the world of this kind of thing. This mission is carried out by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and includes fragments of planets, supermassed black Löchern, terns and cosmic Staub furworts. In the James-Webb-Weltraumtelekop mission, which carried out the infrared radiation, this mission is discovering one of the electromagnetic spectrums, which makes possible the high quality of Webb and radio telescopes.


  • NASA has a new Mission category Probe Explorers and
  • Ziel: Innovative idea for a collaboration of universities
  • Zwei Projekte Vorgeschlagen: Advanced X-ray imaging satellite and far-infrared mission probe
  • First funding for power studies has raised $1 million
  • End of mission start is planned for the year 2026
  • AXIS is a supermassereich black Löcher and Galaxienentwicklung erforschen
  • Far-Infrared Mission probe is based on infrared radiation and cosmic phenomenon

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