
Top-Ekonomen Feld und Dullien: So kommt Deutschland aus der Wirtschaftskrise

Top-Ekonomen Feld und Dullien: So kommt Deutschland aus der Wirtschaftskrise

Get out of the Krise
Economics: Business guides under “Toxic Gemisch aus überhöhten Kosten”

The Ökonomen Sebastian Dullien (right) and Lars Feld (Mitte) in an interview with Capital-Chefakteur Timo Pache at Vermögensaufbau-Gipfel in Frankfurt.

The Ökonomen Sebastian Dullien (right) and Lars Feld (Mitte) in an interview with Capital-Chefakteur Timo Pache at Vermögensaufbau-Gipfel in Frankfurt.

© Katharina Dubno

Should the Schuldenbremse go? Or another way to the Krise? We discussed the two top entrepreneurs Lars Feld and Sebastian Dullien at the Capital-Vermögensaufbaugipfel in Frankfurt.

It is a fact that the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck am Mittwoch presented in Berlin: Statt dem erhofften Wachstum von 0,3 Prozent wird de Deutsch Wirtschaft ihren Schrumpfkurs wohl fortsetzten, insgesamt soll das Grossinlandsprodukt diesesses Jahr um 0,2 Prozent zurückgehen.

Information about the situation: Economic area: Economics leads to

Factically the German Wirtschaft is tritt, it will take years on the Stelle; politics is under Handlungsdruck. Do you want to know what strategies the silent mode can offer? They discuss the two Ökonomen Lars Feld and Sebastian Dullien in the Donnerstag at the Capital-Vermögensaufbaugipfel in Frankfurt.

“Toxic Gemisch aus überhöhten Kosten”

Nach Einschätzung von Lars Feld, director of the Walter-Eucken-Institutes in Freiburg and Berater of Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), highlighted the problems during the Financial Crisis 2008/2009.

“The German economy sees itself as a toxic source of costs,” said Feld. Etwa bij Löhnen, Energie, Bürokratie und der Steuerbelastung. The country has a “strong standort problem”. The State must earn more money, it is an attractive investment for investment damage.

Ökonom Lars Feld (right) argues against a Lockerung der Schuldenbremse.

Ökonom Lars Feld (right) argues against a Lockerung der Schuldenbremse.

© Katharina Doebno

Reform of the Schuldenbremse?

Dieser Analyzes a broader approach in the college Sebastian Dullien, director of the Gewerkschaftsnahen Institutes for Macroeconomics and Konjunkturforschung (IMK). The high costs are all low over time. Vielmehr see the Gründe for the Abschwung for all “in the massive geopolitical Verschiebungen” during the Corona-Krise like this, and also the next “brutal Energiepreisschock”.

Another problem with the debt burden: “Wir urgently make more investments, a Wachstum anzukurbeln”, for the Dullien. If the debt burden is a big angel, the investment program can be at a level of 600 billion. Euro for the following years.

Vermögensaufbau-Gipfel: Ökonom Lars Feld: “Wir haben schlechte Rahmenbedingungen”

Ökonom Lars Feld: “Wir haben schlechte Rahmenbedingungen”

03:22 min

The next day, Lars Feld says: “The problems that arise with an expansionary fiscal policy and economic power are my honest financing.” State subsidies, the best support for the sector or sector, are obvious. “It is not the development of the State, the new technologies are developed,” so Feld. Statistics are long-term structural reforms, the legal regulations in Germany are still tolling.

It was a fact that both economies, the German country was for enormous geopolitical reforms, the geschäftsmodel of export to Druck setzen. This stimulates the punkt-überein, which Germany urgently sees in the international legislative trap – and maßnahmen.