
Pietro Lombardi focuses on annoying fix costs – by Laura ein

Pietro Lombardi focuses on annoying fix costs – by Laura ein

Pietro Lombardi

DSDS-Star targets horrible fix costs – for Laura einschreiten

Pietro Lombardi focused on an exorbitantly high monatlichen Ausgaben. A mistake was made with the DSDS winner, it is so bad that this is the case.

If you don’t know about money spreads, you will always be with Pietro. “Fix costs between 25,000 and 30,000 euros in a month,” said the singer. Weiter heißt es: “If the house is here, it will definitely become a little one.” With the blessing of Verlobten Laura Maria Rypa and her children, who gave Pietro a new face, the Umzug plants a new ownership.

Pietro Lombardi will not make it cool with high fix costs

A Mitglied seiner Community wants to erase and fragment more about the high monatlichen Ausgaben: “Who so vale Costs?” Pietro has made it clear: “I am completely honest and transparent, but I have extremely high fix costs. I do not post this here, but it is still cool, but it is not very expensive.”

Look at Verlobte Laura Maria Rypa (28) who works with Fragen zu de high Ausgaben-konfrontiert. In my Instagram story it says: “Yes, I make money and money from Sachen. A small reinforced Pietros fragerunde becomes a bad mistake or there may be a bizarre comic form.” When you’re done, the house and your car are no longer near the würden. You can say this: “It’s a matter of taking longer to continue the break, but it becomes a matter of working time.”

DSDS jury member gives Einblick in seine Einnahmequellen

Anyone who has spent a year on Pietro Lombardi’s Instagram account can no longer think about “Musik, Tour, Konzerte”. Immediately after you track your own products, the products are released to the market. We earn 32 years with TV shows – with DSDS, if we start a Skandal –, Kampagne or classic Instagram werbung, where letzteres have the smallest teil power.

Söhnchen Leano is the Ganze Stolz by Pietro Lombardi and Laura Maria Rypa. The first wort of the small mixture in the video is shown.

Derzeit wird Pietro Lombardi häusliche Gewalt gegenüber seiner Verlobten vorgeworfen

“Weil mein Ruf kaputtgeht, net deiner!” – die Satz hallt bis heute nach. There comes from one of the hot Streit-zwischen Lombardi and the harmful Frau Sarah Engels (31, neither mothers nor Lombardi). The DSDS-Zweitplatzierte warf de DSDS-Sieger damals Körperverletzung vor. An article was added to the police, so “”. Damals is a police income in the home of the DSDS-Paares in Brühl. Damit remembers the Szene and the active Vorwürfe der häuslichen Gewalt gegenüber Laura Maria Rypa (28), who of the singer suffers from severe dementia. Weitere Informationen zum aktuellen Fall, erhältst du here.