
Trump says Corona Tests and Putin are done

Trump says Corona Tests and Putin are done

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Trump says Corona Tests and Putin are done
Verstehen sich offenbar sehr gut: Donald Trump (l.) and Wladimir Putin. © Sergej Guneev/SNA/Imago

Schwere Vorwürfe: There are a number of American journalists who have praised Trump in the Corona crisis, while Putin has enjoyed himself.

Dortmund/Washington – In a new book, American journalist Bob Woodward records details about US President Donald Trump’s contacts with Wladimir Putin. Laut de Recherchen in Woodwards Buch “War”, dat is 15. October in the US it appears, Trump has his Amtszeit secret Corona tests and the Russian president geschickt – and the pride of damals can conduct a test in the US.

Enthüllung vor US-Wahl: Trump soll Corona-Tests and Putin geschickt haben

Take a look at the book with am Duty day (October 8) von der WashingtonPost clearing light. In a message from an 81-year-old investigative journalist, Trump has made more personal statements about Putin, who follows the Krieg in Ukraine, only a few years ago. Trump’s presidential candidacy for the presidential elections in November 2024.

But Woodward looks into his book again. While the Corona pandemic is raging in the year 2020 and there is a Mangle and Tests in the US, Trump will have a Lieferung and Putin geschickt. Putin has announced the Tests, Trump has ended the secret of his halt (mehr Politik-News at RUHR24).

Trump and Putin: investigative journalist Bob Woodward experiences an enjoyable quest

“I might not, because you are happy, then those people would be willing to show up, not in my life,” so Putin said he would like to read the book. Russia has widely spoken among the investigators of Woodwards. “No, that is not the Fall,” said Kremlin Speaker Dmitri Peskow ben Mittwoch (9. October) of the Russian Nachrichtenwebsite „RBK“.

The Enthüllung is causing heated discussions in the US, especially against the background of the high chances against the pandemic. Trump faces criticism for his critical management. With some of the Schadenfreude that Biden would have had in May 2024, Trump would have launched a lusty attack on the pandemic: “I was not mistaken, who would have lied about the pandemic and the American reed, turned out to be in its highest part of the injizieren”.

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Kamala Harris and Joe Biden respond to US-Wahl on Trump-Enthüllung: “Shame”

At a Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Pennsylvania, Biden is now in the Woodward-Enthüllungen Stellung. There is talk of Trump’s handling of the pandemic as a ‘Scandal’ and the following thought: ‘A million people have died. If you look at this: there is a good friend of Putin, he is Witz, and that happened, that is the test he did.”

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has spoken out against Trump. In a radio interview there is talk of a wringer and corona tests and criticism from Trump’s Vorgehen scharf: “Dieser Typ schickt si nach Russland, zu einem mörderischen Diktator für seinen personal Gebrauch?”, he said. This Trump divorce is now a “jüngste krasse beispiel dafür, wer Trump ist”, the democratic Presidential candidate has changed.

Donald Trump has had more contact with Wladimir Putin

Woodward reported again that Trump had seen the American newspaper with Putin’s telephone. Seine Quelle: A name was not generated by the 78-year-old Ex-Präsidenten. In 2024, Trump made one of his plans to liven up Mar-a-Lago while Zimmer was welding, a private shout-out with Putin making his money.

Donald Trump (Republican)

Donald Trump is a candidate for the Office of American Presidents.
Donald Trump is a candidate for the Office of American Presidents. © Shealah Craighead/White House

Name: Donald John Trump
Change: 78 (June 14, 1946)
Birth sort: Queens, New York, USA
Part: Republican Party

Woodward’s new book was published by US-Wahl on November 5. In the journalist’s analysis of the Schluss, Trump has contacted Putin and made an impulsive art for the presidency of his life. “Trump was the most ruthless and impulsive president in the American history and has a strong character as a presidential candidate for the years 2024,” Woodward writes.

Trump Team has discredited book author Woodward and his work as “Schund”.

Donald Trump’s team will fiercely battle the book. A speaker described the work as “schund” and accused Woodward, his story was written.

The investigative journalist who, during his investigation into ‘Watergate-Abhöraffäre’, became president Richard Nixon in the 1970s during the war, said Trump campaign manager Steven Cheung as a ‘verrückter and gestörter Mann’. With AFP material/bearbeitet by Julian Kaiser