
Krise at Volkswagen – VW-Aufsichtsrätin Hamburg: Bund muss E-Mobilität ankurbeln – Auto & Mobil

Krise at Volkswagen – VW-Aufsichtsrätin Hamburg: Bund muss E-Mobilität ankurbeln – Auto & Mobil

Hannover (dpa) – Critical criticism at Volkswagen sees VW supervisor Julia Willie Hamburg in the Bundesregierung in der Pflicht, the nachfrage nach E-Autos wieder anzuregen. “It is important to know that the customers and customers are happy, that is the reason for the E-Cars for a better life,” said the Green politician, who sits as the leading Minister President in Lower Saxony in the VW Review Council, the “Nieuwe Osnabrücker Zeitung”. If you spend more time producing a power supply with CO2 emissions in production, it is best to choose or charge verbilligten.

“Entscheidend ist: Gerade in Zeiten who diesen muss that Politik aktiv became and new Schwung in the Hochlauf der E-Mobilität – that is a job for the Federal Government,” says Hamburg. Zwar brauche VW keine statliche Unterstützung wie jijetzt in Niedersachsen die Meyer Werft. Politics must focus on the targeted Rahmenbedingungen, damit der Wandel der Industrie in Deutschland. “You should listen to your performance without energy costs.”

Hamburg continues to suffer from loss of life

From the EU that has received the Vize-Regierungschefin, battery production as an energy-intensive industry will be exploited in Germany. “Once the power supply for battery production was available, the battery-electric car became available. For VW this was central,” as it should be.

With a look at the discussion about the possible work processes in Hamburg and the work environment: “Both days it is necessary to find the tragfähige Lösungen and Varianten in den Blick, die ohne Standortschließungen auskommen.”

Das Land Niedersachsen stopped 20 Prozent der Stimmrechte im VW-Konzern. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and the Stellvertreterin Hamburg sit for the country in the Aufsichtsrat. Niedersachsenweit betreibt VW puts Standorte with more than 100,000 Beschäftigten.

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