
“Traumschiff” and “Schwarzwaldklinik” star: Was Kracht eigentlich Sascha Hehn?

“Traumschiff” and “Schwarzwaldklinik” star: Was Kracht eigentlich Sascha Hehn?

Sein Film debut gab Sascha Hehn (Bild, with Angelika Meissner) appears as Fünfjähriger in the Heimatfilm “Hubertusjagd” (1959). (Photo: Ice Storm)

Sein Film debut gab Sascha Hehn (Bild, with Angelika Meissner) appears as Fünfjähriger in the Heimatfilm “Hubertusjagd” (1959). (Photo: Ice Storm)

With a Kreuzfahrtschiff über more skippern, and the schönsten Reisezielen der Welt Drehen: Auf dem Paper klingt der Posten als “Traumschiff”-Kapitän als absolute Traumjob voor een schauspieler. And yet schmiss Sascha Hehn 2018 de Job als Kapitän Victor Burger nach “nur” four years ago.

In the 1970s, Sascha Hehn earned money as Darsteller in Softsex films with

In the 1970s, Sascha Hehn earned money as Darsteller in Softsex films with “Die Klosterschülerinnen”. (Image: IMAGO / United Archives)

In the TV industry it is often the case that “and that is never as positive” as it is “Bild”. The series has “lost my charm”, there is a saying “neither nor a Weile behalten”. Check if this Aussage is damals niece. Denn Sascha Hehn, on October 11, 70, the war will always be open to everything. Everything about what you do is not true. See how it works in the last years of your life.

A major role Roles: In 1981 Sascha Hehn (left, with Heide Keller and Heinz Hansen) went on “Traumschiff” as chief steward Victor Burger. (Image: ZDF / Thomas Waldhelm / Polyphon)

A major role Roles: In 1981 Sascha Hehn (left, with Heide Keller and Heinz Hansen) went on “Traumschiff” as chief steward Victor Burger. (Image: ZDF / Thomas Waldhelm / Polyphon)

As a performer and a director’s assistant and a prompter, he continued his career during his lifetime: his success during his lifetime during his film debut in “Hubertusjagd” (1959) and continued in the following years during the film and TV series for the chamber . That there are ways to work on a successful job, brought with it a clear home: one day, so he is in a teleschau-Interview, habe sein Mathematiclehrer said: ”You will be able to make good use of it!’ I have then said: ‘Fein, dann bin ich wenigstens an der fresh Luft.’”

Hehn: “I am in the care”


In “Die Schwarzwaldklinik” Sascha Hehn (Bild, mit Gaby Dohm) bezauberte the TV publication program as Dr. Udo Brinkmann. (Photo: ZDF / Thomas Waldhelm)

For Hehn, der roads die zahlreichen Engagements die Handelsschule nor for Erlangung der Mittleren Reife verließ, war die Schauspielerei als Beruf ohne Alternative. Moreover, in the 1970s there were many pseudo-realistic soft-sex films (“Mädchen beim Frauenarzt”, “Schulmädchenreport”, “Die Klosterschülerinnen”).

Hahn im Korb: In der ZDF-Serie „Frauenarzt Dr. Markus Merthin (1994-1997) played Sascha Hehn die Hauptrolle. (Image: Novafilm/ZDF)

Hahn im Korb: In der ZDF-Serie „Frauenarzt Dr. Markus Merthin (1994-1997) played Sascha Hehn die Hauptrolle. (Image: Novafilm/ZDF)

There are no people who have “kein Sozialamt für Schauspieler”, so Hehn in teleschau-Interview: “Außerdem war’s yes keine real Pornography, in exchanged Weise trugen wir sogar zur Aufklärung des Landes bei. So it could be that people used something, if man braucht.”

Even as a synchronization war is fragmented: In all the “Shrek”-Abenteuern lieh Sascha Hehn dem grünen Oger seine Stimme. (Image: 2007 DreamWorks Animation LLC.)

Even as a synchronization war is fragmented: In all the “Shrek”-Abenteuern lieh Sascha Hehn dem grünen Oger seine Stimme. (Image: 2007 DreamWorks Animation LLC.)

Dass Hehn in die Zeit auch eerolgreich am Theater spielte is often overexposed. Gemeinsam mit Schausspellegende OW Fischer went from the 1970s with the Stück “Ein Glass Wasser” to Tournee, at the Salzburg Festival he played Orlando in Otto Schenk’s “Wie es euch gefällt”. Ernst Haeussermann, the mayor of the Burgtheater, wants to perform at the Wiener Theater in Josefstadt in the 1980s. But Hehn doesn’t want to. “I must be in the business, I must earn money”, war signal Argument.

Hehns Anspruch: sich nicht laughlich machen

Schlager- und Volkmusikstars, dazu Mike Krüger (dritter on the right) and Sascha Hehn (left): Am ARD-Musikfilm

Schlager- und Volkmusikstars, dazu Mike Krüger (dritter on the right) and Sascha Hehn (left): Am ARD-Musikfilm “Das Musikhotel am Wolfgangsee” ließ Hehn kein gutes Haar. (Image: HR/Interspot/Andrea Mayer-Rinner)

Trotz finanzieller Sorgen genoss Hehn diese Phase seiner Karriere: Im teleschau-Interview erinnerte sich der gebürtige Münchner daran, who is with Helmut Fischer (“Monaco Franze”), Helmut Dietl (“Kir Royal”) and Towje Kleiner (“Der ganz normal Wahnsinn“) immer im Café an der Münchner Freiheit habe. “That was the best time in Schwabing,” he remembers, “a man who worked hard and had no powder.”

Spätestens mit dem festen Engagement auf dem “Traumschiff” (1981-1991) and starred as Dr. Udo Brinkmann in “Die Schwarzwaldklinik” (1985-1989), die in zum Frauenschwarm und TV-Publikumsliebling Krachten, at the end of this time. And see Hehn in the next Jahren von der TV-Serie (“Dr. Markus Merthin”), über Heimatfilm (“Der Wildschütz – Im Tal des Schweigens”) and Theater (“Egmont” at Ernst-Deutsch-Theater in Hamburg) bis zur Selbstparodie (“Lerchenberg”) so seemlich everything might, empty there immer Wert auf einen gewissen Anspruch.

Since eleven years a couple, since 2022 will inherit: Sascha Hehn and the Unternehmerin Gloria Krass. (Image: IMAGO/APress)

Since eleven years a couple, since 2022 will inherit: Sascha Hehn and the Unternehmerin Gloria Krass. (Image: IMAGO/APress)

When he watches the musical film “Das Musikhotel am Wolfgangsee” (2008), in which he plays a rafflier Geschäftsführer, where there is so much interest, that there is the “Focus” and in the interview gab: “Wer Geld hat, mich zu bezahlen – en “I’m not the best – but money has given me a chance,” said Hehn, “I’m a professional director, a professional Ton. I have no Hartz IV program for TV programs.” Falls There are now some roles in the TV screen and more information about it: “I am happy for 15 euros in the race, so I am happy with my work.”

Ein Beitrag teilt von Sascha Hehn (@sascha.hehn)

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If just one more “Traumschiff” error occurs, Hehn may eventually stop fernsehen. Seine plays a role in the last years of 2022 in “Der Ölprinz” at the Karl-May-Festspielen in Bad Segeberg. Ansonsten – so the very last thing on Instagram profile muten – kümmert is in itself other: Man sieht Hehn dort bei zahlreichen Promi-Golfturnieren. Since 2008, a teleschauer interview has appeared, which has used a “large part of the freedom for swimming” and has been set “at the Golf-Eagles or at the Franz-Beckenbauer-Stiftung one.”

Schlagzeilen might be happy with your privacy. Anfang August has become a “Bunte”, who is his long partner, who is 18 years young with Gloria Krass, who is heir in 2022. If the Öffentlichkeit no longer exists, war will ensue: “We live our own lives without being sucked. We will be happy for our guests and not hang the large Glocke,” said Hehn. (tsch)