
USA: Mitarbeiter katholischer Hilfsorganisationen spend more health for their links

USA: Mitarbeiter katholischer Hilfsorganisationen spend more health for their links

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If the Knights of Columbus make a major contribution to the Republican Candidates and foreign expenditure.

Washington DC (
The Lepanto Institute, together with complicit clergy, analyzed the expenditure of the Catholic Hilfs organizations in the United States. With a German Mehrheit von 83 Prozent spent most of the time on the Demokratische Partei beziehungsweise Organizations in ihrem Umfeld.

Spending can be done among organizations, such as pro-abtreibungs organizations with Emily’s List and NARAL Pro-Choice.

Under investigation are Catholic Charities, Covenant House, St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Relief Services, the Knights of Columbus, Cross Catholic Outreach and Jesuit Refugee Service.

Basics of the analysis of 47,000 open-ended Aufzeichnungen von Spenden der Mitarbeiter der generated organizations in de Zeitraum from 23. October 2018 to 27. February 2024.

It is not the case that most organizations come into contact with the Knights of Columbus, the German army in the future will sympathize with each other. Von de Mitarbeitern der Knights van Columbus continued to issue a candidate for the Republican Party or the Alliance 90 times.

A study by the Pew Research Center research institutes was conducted on 52 percent of Catholic Wähler Republikaner, 44 percent on Democrats. At the Mehrheit of the Mitarbeiter Katholiek Hilfs organization, the Verhältnis is different, as the Analysis of the Lepanto Institutes said.

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