
Dud in Cologne ordered Evakuierung von round 10,000 Menschen – Entschärfung am Freitag

Dud in Cologne ordered Evakuierung von round 10,000 Menschen – Entschärfung am Freitag

  1. come on.the
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

After the Fund a Weltkriegsbombe in Cologne if 10,000 people were evacuated. In the area you will find the three Krankenhäuser. The Entschärfung follows in the Freitag.

Update from October 11, 8:43 am: The best second flight in the Vorfeld bombenentschärfung in Cologne is not in the end. Since the patients are in different clinics and are available from 9.30 am since 6400 residents of the city of Merheim and Neubrück dazu gefordert, ihre Wohnungen and Häuser zu räumen. If the bomb dies, the bomb can be destroyed.

Dud in Cologne: Major Evacuation in the World War – three patients affected

(Erstmeldung vom 9. Oktober) Cologne – Am Mittwochvormittag, 9. Oktober, stieß der Kampfmittelräumdienst in Cologne-Merheim on a dud. The Fund has lost a huge evacuation, which has gained enormous momentum through various media WDRas the “aufwändigste Evakuierung seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg” for the Cologne Bezeichnet war. The Grund für diese contentious maßnahme: Three Krankenhäuser finds its place in the affected area.

Dud in Cologne: Major Evacuation in the World War – three patients affected

That’s how you start a war, but a big Altenheim would necessarily have to be. But am Nachmittag desselben Tages gab de Stadt Entwarnung: Ein Evakuierung des Seniorenheims war nicht ergorderlich, da es außerhalb des Evakuierungsbereichs lag.

The Räumung of the three Krankenhäusers has begun, with 330 Krankentransporten im Einsatz. For patients at the intensive station, patients could be provided with a ‘Safe House’. You can use a more intensive meditation treatment. Laut Posts der Rheinische Post could ensure that the Merheimer Krankenhaus was fully recovered.

10,000 residents of Evakuierung affected

The task of duds is planted on October 11th. If you are using a house and want to build a home with a radius of 500 meters to find the foundation, you can weld your home – everything is on the market first. Dies involves approximately 10,000 people.

In Köln-Merheim a dud from the Zweiten Weltkrieg was financed. Der Gefahrenbereich wurde mit 500 Metern festgelegt.
In Köln-Merheim a dud from the Zweiten Weltkrieg was financed. Der Gefahrenbereich wurde mit 500 Metern festgelegt. © Stadt Cologne

The Stadt Köln informs that the evacuation of those affected started on Friday at 9:30 am. Those affected are taken care of, but the plan is planned, wo sie am Freitag unterkommen können. As an Anlaufstelle wird die Aula der Gesamtschule Holweide in der Burgwiesenstraße 125, 51067 Cologne, eingerichtet. How long the beach lasts: Haustiere hasn’t ended up in debt.

American Zehn-Zentner-Bombe with a Front- and Heck-Aufschlagzünder

No more money could be released, but more duds were financed. It is the last time that the Bauarbeiten in the Nähe der Merheimer Kliniken are more suspicious fälle ergeben. The Kampfmittelräumdienst has the gelände am Mittwoch gründlich.

Schließlich would now be a Weltkriegsbombe fund. It is an American Zehn-Zentner-Bombe with a Front- and Heck-Aufschlagzünder.

What about, dass Köln is its own Grundgesetz hat? Egal, was passionrt, (first) not aufregen! Der Optimismus am Rhein is expressed through the “Kölsche Grundgesetz” – jedes Gesetz rät zu Gelassenheit in all Lebenslagen.