
Erinnerungen und Leben auf See als Koch

Erinnerungen und Leben auf See als Koch

Ernst Richter wrote a Zeit as Koch on the Hochseeschlepper “Gerrit Wessels”. The English Raum bought his property and a turbulent Fahren.

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Emden – Nach meinem Urlaub in Emden on July 18, 1969 at 35 meters long, with 3600 PS ausgestatteten at the Emder Schiffswerft „Schulte & Bruns“ gebauten Seeschlepper „Gerrit Wessels“ mustered. If the Schlepper has done an überwiegend for the Überseeverschleppungen and in the Offshore-Geschäft, then the Hafenschlepper in Emder Hafen might be a bad chance.

If the fear arises – if you take out Lohn – hate a high high sea schlepper that is not good. So that a Ponton from Rotterdam was launched after Lisbon. My experiences with the reed egg were so good, so that’s what I have no ideas about, on such a small piece if I can do my work and unravel the heuer delay. The Besatzung war is pleasant, and it is a herzliche situation. The entire Proviantausrüstung war involves a plate and everything Raum verstaut. Meine Küche war etwa zwei Meter lang en een eeninhalb Meter breit, ausgestattet with a normal Juno-Haushaltsofen, a Spüle and a Tagesskühlschrank. Neben Unterschränken für Töpfe, Pfannen und Schüsseln gab es Oberschränke für Teller und de übrigen Schiffshaushalt. My work place was safe, and everything must be taken into account. The tea and coffee bags hatten, who at all Schiffen üblich, ihren Platz and practically Haken under the Hängeschränke.

Little fresh air

This is how they went to the Emder Hafen, even more so than the Hochseeschlepper: that “Gerrit Wessels”. BILD: private

This is how they went to the Emder Hafen, even more so than the Hochseeschlepper: that “Gerrit Wessels”. BILD: private

After everyone with their possessions had come into battle with Heuerschein and Seefahrtsbuch and Kapitän Hermann Heiten, he said that a Matrose was my Kammer, who I had to share with others. The steep Treppenniedergang was heavy duty. The room has a few square meters, a small sofa, a stuhl and a sofa. Nebenan is a smaller Raum, the Proviant-Store has waged a war and maintained a war with Konserven, Kaffee, Tee, Zucker, Milch, Mehl and Nudeln. Später auf See Krachten sich die Konserven often self-existent and poltern in Proviantraum hin and her, so that man often aus dem Schlaf hochschreckte. The bad faith that comes with it. Four males are writing on engstem Raum, and Türen and Lüfter mit Deckverbindung must op See bei ungünstigem Wetter geschlossen sein.

Der Erzähler

Ernst Richter was born in 1939 in the Erzgebirge.

There fuhr for various routes, including as Schiffskoch on greater Fahrt and in Fährverkehr der AG Ems. Ernst Richter is the leader of the Emder Museums „Freunde der Seefahrt e. V.”

Work on engstem Raum

I am no longer in possession of the Kapitäns and the Steuermanns who die the Bergungsleiters, nor one of the first and second Engineers, a Doppelkammer as a Reserve, in Notfall as a Hospital nutzbar. There is a toilette and a towel with washcloths for everyone. The Besatzung file of Kapitän, Bergungsleiter, 1. Nautischer Offizier, Steuermann, 1. Ingenieur, 2. Ingenieur, Bootsmann, zwei Matrosen und mir als Koch. If you make an effort, everything will go well, and you have to bear it from the others as well. At the sight and in the harbor of a large number of objects with Schiffsbergungen, Bohrinsel-Verschleppungen, weltweiten Überführungen von Schiffen and large Pontoons anyway they are normal Bugsiergeschäft es um um um Millionenwerte, which were moved.

If the einweisung could start with my first Mahlzeit for the Besatzung-rerichten, which wurde in two small Messen-serviert, and after letzten Vorbereitungen in Emder Hafen, the Fahrt finally went loose. Family member who lost the Richtung Rotterdam on July 22, 1969, fled and went home.

Erzähler spoken

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