
Geschwister sind plötzlich Waisen! Eltern Jessica und Siegfried sterben kurz nacheinander

Geschwister sind plötzlich Waisen! Eltern Jessica und Siegfried sterben kurz nacheinander

Two Schicksalsschläge inner half a few weeks

Free time for both their children! Jessica and her husband love nacheinander

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In her high time frame, Jessica and Siegfried are scattering around the room.

private/Dennis Peters

von Johanna Kroke

Plötzlich since ihre Eltern nicht more da!

Ihr Schmerz lässt sich kaum in Worte fassen. I lost Lenja-Marie (12) and Sebastian (15) with Mutter Jessica in July, now living together with Father Siegfried. Jetzt brauchen die Waisen urgent Hilfe!

Family lives at the Geschwistern Halt

Ihr Onkel Dennis Peters and the rest of the family are there for Lenja-Marie and Sebastian, born in Sicherheit. The two Schicksalsschläge affect the combined Family schwer. “Meine Schwester ist 2013 an Krebs erkrankt, was still healed,” said Peters in Interview with RTL. Doch der Krebs will arrive in 2022, Jessica will go through the Krankheit in July this year. I got moving in September through Mann Siegfried, my children Lenja-Marie and Sebastian are on a path Vollwaisen.

Once it’s all happened, it’s no longer possible. In the Zuhause in Borstel-Hohenraden (Schleswig-Holstein) most of the time, in his Onkel and his family, the other part of the generation houses. “Let Lenja-Marie and Sebastian have a direct relationship and see their wife here with us,” he says.

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