
Pflanzen in their own garden

Pflanzen in their own garden

Undine Kühle aus Rostock organizes the 1. Samen- en Pflanzenmarkt in Langen Jarchow. If you are in the Ruhestand, your garden in the garden of Langen Jarchow is a great hobby.

Von Tieren im Betrieb zu Pflanzen im eigenen Garten

Früher were not available in the Scheune Schweine and the Futterküche, so who stored Heu and Stroh. Undine Kühle war for his Ruhestand itself in the Landwirtschaft-tätig and kümmerte sich um the Kühe at Küstenland in Rostock and später in der Gläsernen Molkerei in Dechow.

Heute kümmert sich um Pflanzen. As the Mitglied des Fördervereins Antoniter-Hospital Tempzin ensures that all the workers Isenheimer Altaren, also in Tempzin before Ort waiting. Viele der Kräuter hat sie in eigenen Garten.

Der Antoniterorden and Isenheim Altar


Der Antoniterorden and Isenheim Altar

The Antoniterorden offers treatment and therapy with Mutterkorn poisoned people. If you are in control of a mediocre alternative hospital, then the treatment of therapeutic treatment is one of the most special medical treatments that deserves the time.

The sculpture Niklaus von Hagenau and the Maler Grünewald führen the berühmten Altaarzwischen 1512 and 1516 for the Antoniter-Präzeptorei in Isenheim aus, a village, which was 20 kilometers from Colmar entfernt. The nature of the Antoniter is depicted on the altar.

Quellen: Refubium FU Berlin and

Enjoy a meal with your guests at 1. Samen- en Pflanzenmarkt in Langen Jarchow.

Enjoy a meal with your guests at 1. Samen- en Pflanzenmarkt in Langen Jarchow. (Photo: Julia Hartkopf)

Beim 1. Samen en Pflanzenmarkt und ihrem Garten in Langen Jarchow will be with others Pflanzenfreunden über heilende Kräuter austauschen and Pflanzen weitergeben. Im Gegenzug brought your guest to a few Schätze in the home garden with, soft drinks at the end of your stay, so that you can enjoy your home.

Salbei, Sonnenhut, Walnuss and jede Menge Tipps

Von Kräutern, wie Salbei und Weinraute, über Blumen, wie Bstromende Liebe und Sonnenhut, till Baum-Setzlingen, wie Walnuss und Weide war everything.

Many tips for well-being or gardening are obendrauf. So see how Brennnessels is a superfood. They contain proteins, healthy food, vitamin and mineral oils, magnesium and choosy and work hard and gently. Just make sure you use a salad or yogurt.

I'm the best man to rock Brennnesseln in a Sieb, one of the Samen zu kommen.

I’m the best man to rock Brennnesseln in a Sieb, one of the Samen zu kommen. (Photo: Julia Hartkopf)

Were all in the garden without any problems, without problems. Die Studentenblume Tagetes wehrt Fadenwürmer ab. When the Schnecken are down, a man can use one of the gems as a Lockmittel and then remove the Schnecken from it.

Flowers from your own garden for relaxation

Mandy Goebel from Langen Jarchow has found many Blumen and Rosen in his garden. If you stretch out, you will go through the garden and the flowers in front of the street. When you take to the streets with the florists, very much like Margret Lux. Auch im Herbst seien ihre Sträuße nor schön bunt and all the joy of being together.

Dieser Strauß hat Mandy Goebel for a week nor outside the Schätzen in the garden.

Dieser Strauß hat Mandy Goebel for a week nor outside the Schätzen in the garden. (Photo: Mandy Goebel)

Both family friends since 1952, Langen Jarchow was born, in kindergarten and at school. There are no people who are quick to Tür an Tür. “It is a matter of living with the people here, from the region and from a different path together. Man must have a good time and move,” says Margret Lux.

If you are at the spice market a year later, you may find that you can use a small Kühle Kräuterwanderungen, or your children’s programs.