
Wichtiger Meilenstein in der Neurowissenschaft: Forschende kartieren das Fruchtfliegengehirn

Wichtiger Meilenstein in der Neurowissenschaft: Forschende kartieren das Fruchtfliegengehirn

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Wichtiger Meilenstein in der Neurowissenschaft: Forschende kartieren das Fruchtfliegengehirn
Nahaufnahme einer Fruchtfliege auf eenem Blatt (Symbol image). © W. Willner/Imago

A large research team has more than 50 million connections in the fruit fly card winning prize.

Hunderte Wissenschaftler und Bürgerwissenschaftler aus all World has more than 50 Millionen Verbindungen in winzigen Gehirn der Fruchtfliege kartiert – een Schritt auf dem Weg with a more detailed map of the human Gehirns, which zum Verstandnis and possible zur Treatment zahlreicher Gesundheitsprobleme with Parkinson, Essattacken, depression and Drogenmissbrauch beitragen wird.

By clearing the Meilenstein, the more detailed tests of some of the next steps are the mechanisms of the device, the fruit flight in building in the time, and then on the final rücke of the world of reacting, which during the looking, rising and other sins that way .

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So modest fruit flies in the field of health, they have been developing a Vielzahl more complex Verhaltensweisen for millions of years, wobei sie a winziges Gehirn von der Größe eines Mohnsamens used, explained John Ngai, from the BRAIN initiative of the National Institutes of Health leitet, which is published for the new map, which this week in new in der Zeitschrift Nature cleared Articles were described.

“They freshen. Sie navigieren zu (German signals). If you see one of the most common relationships with couples, aggression and other social relationships,” said Ngai. “You can do all those things and fly.” Fruit flies on ultraviolet light do not look good.

Research team-kartiert Gehirn der Fruchtfliege – a legendary system for advancement

The BRAIN project started a year and an investment of more than 3.5 billion US dollars, which was based on the practical insight of science about the nervous system and the development of the health care system for the disorders that plague it. Laut conducts an active study more than 40 Prozent aller Menschen und Irgendeiner Art von Störung des Nervensystems.

Fruchtfliegen heard neben Zebrafischen, Fadenwürmern Some of the most reliable model organisms used are among the existing systems that support life on the planets. So not so important for these organisms is that they can damage the genes. Quickly 75 Prozent der Gene, de mensschlichen Krankheiten beteilgt sind, kommen auch bei Fruchtfliegen vor. Mäuse teilen etwa 97,5 Prozent ihrer functioneringsden DNA met dem Menschen.

It is a big problem to increase the knowledge of the neurons or neurons, the art is the logic or the “Quellcode”, in the communication and interaction of neurons with an einsatz-kommt, so Ngai. Sebastian Seung, professor of Computational Neuroscience at Princeton University, said the new map of the Wissenschaftlern-consultiert was developed, which would practically reflect the functional and architectural structure of fruit growing. Because we are in the lower part of the world, the human and healthy, healthy and young, the sun and the sick become fruits of inferior.

Who sees flying, who flies and who flies?

“People are amazed, who they fly, who they hear, who they sing – who they sing tatsächlich – who they fly,” says Seung and Nannte Beispiele für die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Karte. “And then people will undergo a complex story (who) the Balz. If you want to do a ball with other things, navigate and look good. All these things were undone by the connection.“ When the card knowledge was learned, the fragment of the savory was formed, with the one that connected the action of the technology and that causes the deformation of the gehirns by the attached links.

The network is the basis for the map of more than 50 million transactions in the fruit fly, a task that represents a significant technical overhaul. “I must be happy, that I was in the last year at that border, I was like Neuro-Nihilismus bezeichne, if the wiring was not changed,” said Davi Bock, co-senior author of one of the Nature-Article und außerordentlicher Professor at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont.

Das Gehirn der Fruchtfliege is “an unglazed compact”

The Gehirn der Fruchtfliege enthält etwa 150 Meter and Drähten in a Raum von etwa three Viertel Millimeter just a Viertel Millimeter, “einfach unglaublich compact”, says Bock. “And the wire that comes out of those neurons is, as a rule, of a duration of 50 to 100 nanometers and another one turns into a clean spaghetti. “Ein human hair is 80,000 to 100,000 nanometers.

The war may be like that, the spaghetti in it, and – the Bocks overstep – the war may be the best plan to strengthen. The scientist tries to make the flight go through the flight and use more, a gehirn in a heart Block your verwandeln. With diamond cutters they cut more than 7,000 ultra-thin abschnitte. The Wissenschaftler beset de Abschnitte a high electric microscope and powers 21 Millionen Aufnahmen. The Pixel in an image represents an Abschnitt of the Hirngewebes of etwa 4 times 4 times 40 Nanometers long.

“If you consider that it is a beautiful Auflösung,” says Bock, “but man braucht sie, um diese Drähte zu verolgen.” Bock and his Kollegen are the best than the specific Zelltypes for the Neurons, the Schaltplan image. Fruchtfliegen has a large variety of Neuronenarten.

Another Group of Wissenschaftlern has the idea that the von Bocks Team has created images with modern segmentation algorithms in a form for walking, which come into the light, Neuron blocks herauszuziehen. All Blöcke matters read by voluntary Wissenschaftlern Korrektur and the corrected Teile were then brought together on a map. The BRAIN initiative was founded by the 27 Institute and Zentren der National Institutes of Health, which was funded by Gelder, the Congress in the Rahmen of the 21st Century Cure Act was prepared and was established in Kraft in December 2016.

Zum author

Mark Johnson to the Washington Post in July 2022, after 22 years in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel outfit, we have received more general messages and messages. It is written about the first person, the Tollwut is an impfung, and reports about the first einsatz of the complete diagnosis and treatment of a new illness.

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