
Medienanalyse: Der Osten hat schlechte Presse

Medienanalyse: Der Osten hat schlechte Presse

The exclusivity for the MDR-erstellte analysis, for the million years since 1990 veröffentlichte Beiträge ausgewertet wurden, invests zudem, dass in Berichten über Ostdeutschland deutlich häufiger Begriffe hof Ideologie with “überfremdet”, “PEGIDA”, “völkisch”, “Lügenpresse” or “ausländerfeindlich “forkommen if I am a German Schnitt. It depends on the theme of the German message stattung: a larger part of the message stattung is shown in the theme complex “Rechtextremismus”, “Machtlosigkeit”, “Rückgang und Mangel” and “Protest”.

The Medien statue of the year 1990

Honey man on the Mediterranean images of the wiedervereinigung, is overloaded, that in the 1990 press conference there is not a single Dominanz judge who is recognisable. The Medienbild Ostdeutschland is no longer separated from those years and gives an indication of the German Darstellung. It was a good job to be prepared for a negative situation for: long periods of work for the workers, unemployed and protesting citizens, and with the help of asylum seekers in Rostock-Lichtenhagen 1992.

When you start to see the messages coming up about the messages statistics in the east of the country, questions will often be asked about the high time you see. Positive messages are rare, but dominate the relationships between the pleasures and the Niedergangs. East Germans were disproportionately challenged by the medical analysis as large, critical and more widely distributed.

If this footage and its contents are reproduced, Rebecca Pates’s political science teacher hangs out with her sister, the West German – damals who are heute – schlicht and einfach zu wenig über the East erase. Therefore, in the Berichterstattung, a few Klischees zurückgegriffen were high on: “Was the man, as the story, and the man glaubt the story, the man reproduced the story.”

Ostbewusstsein and Ostalgie – the Nullerjahre

Once you can get started, walk through the media image of Eastern Europe over the years. Before the year 2000 started, a new art “Ostbewusstsein” started. Menschen from Ostdeutschland became more prominent in the common German society. Young car journeys use the image of the region, describing the upward movement after the Mauerfall.

You will experience the “Ostalgie”-Welle ihren Höhepunkt. Viele Zeitschrifts und Fernsehsender jump on these Zug auf and etablieren das Bild des nostalgic zurückblickenden Ostdeutschen as shinbares “Lebensgefühl” of the East. Starting from 2005, Erobert Tokyo Hotel from Magdeburg started the music world – and an East German world in his Jahr Kanzlerin.

Dennoch said the analysis of the press article in the 2000s about a negative characterization of East Germany. Themes that carry power and care are a greater Raum in the 1990s. When the protest against the social economy and the heart-4 reforms in education takes place, other issues directly become more dominant. Except that the “Diktatur”, “Lügenpresse” and “überfremdet” are used longer.

Ab 2015: Rechtextremismus im Fokus

This image was tested in the year 2010. The representation of the East German country in the supra-regional middle class comes from the protest movement Pegida, which is positioning and radically changing itself. Gleichzeitig feert the AfD in the East German Bundesländer Wahlerfolge, comes with the fremdenfeindlichen Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz.

This mirror is the ergebnisse of the inhalation analysis: Vor allem ab 2015 dominates the Themen who is the flight migration, so there are right Gruppierungen and Parteien die gesamtdeutsche Berichterstattung über Ostdeutschland. Auch Wörter, which, with the collection of interpretations and desire for power in the Verbindung Stehen, continued to grow. Positive descriptions appear more often than not.

Zur Methodology for Analysis

As part of an analysis, the production company Hoferichter & Jacobs in the Auftrag des MDR over the years, were 311 Millionen Presseerzeugnisse im Zeitraum from 3. October 1990 to 12. August 2024 ausgewertet. The methodology of the databases will be developed in the Rahmen eines Seminars des Studiengangs der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft an der Universität Leipzig.

The GBI-Genios press bank with a total of $12,000 in credits can be used for the data analysis. If you are looking for a way in which this begriffe can be used in the article fork, the sister of the “old German” Begriff is excited. The ergebnisse would then appear in the newspaper with the high degree of activity in all press texts from the database, a proportionately high degree of activity in the news statistics of the German East German country.

Zusätzlich wurden Presseberichte around 3. October of the years 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 with a full text analysis after häufigen Beschreibungen für Ostdeutsche durchsucht. By generating the Bildgenerierungs-KI “Midjourney” (version 6.1), the representative Darstellungen for the medial Bild Ostdeutscher were changed last year. Der Blick auf de Bilder is one of the few reactions to the media representation of the East German countries in the past 35 years ago.

Bleibt is a negative messagerstattung?

Auch für de Zeitraum von 2020 bis heute ergibt de Inhaltsanalyse een van de inseitige Darstellung der Ostdeutschen. Weiterhineren negative comments, straight concepts and narratives of abuse of power and protests.

There are no predictions that can happen that the reporting statutes in the East German country in the theme and planning are one of the many German events that can still take place. It is clear that the über-regionale Medien schon seit year versuchen, einseitiger Berichterstattung entgegenzuwirken. Überregionale Zeitungen which carry out the South German or the FAZ activities in the zurückliegenden Jahren Korrespondenten-Büros in Ostdeutschland, since 2009, the ZEIT display the “ZEIT in Osten”.