
Louis Klamroth expresses his experience as a child star in therapy

Louis Klamroth expresses his experience as a child star in therapy

Louis Klamroth

“Not normal”: Er is verarbeitet seinen frühen Ruhm in a therapy

“Hart aber fair” moderator Louis Klamroth has spoken about the negative consequences of Ruhm as a child film star. It is difficult to help a psychologist.

The talk show “Hart aber fair” is one of the biggest debates in the nation. If Louis Klamroth (34) is in the ARD mission for the chamber tritt, he generally does not end up in an “orderly” bet during the night. Moderator Pierre M. Krause (47) may be an issue, if there is knowledge of the SWR-Porträtreihe “Kurzstrecke” (demolished in the ARD-Mediathek) hofährt.

Kurzstrecke with Pierre M. Krause


Louis Klamroth muss weighing “Hart aber fair” on the Couch schlafen

The background: Klamroth commutes between the Wohnorten Berlin and Cologne, and both alternate from “Hart aber fair”. Am Rhein hat der gebürtige Hamburger aktuell aber gar keine eigenwohnung. If there are no more hotels, it is not possible to stay in the southern part of Cologne at the Schwester on the bank.

Heart aber honest

WDR/Julia Sellmann

A Wohnung has emerged in Berlin, but Bett is not one of the lying Matratze. If you’re going to take a chance, do it in the kitchen. Pierre M. Krause asked a big question: “Do you want to start with 34 of your first bets?” The long-time WG-Bewohner Klamroth said with a laugh: “I was right about it”, it was never known who the man was.

Klamroth: “Wenn’s really violent recovery, but after the sending weiter”

Zum Glück Power of the Polit-Talker at “Hart aber fair” in all the rules in a special environment. It is not that in a Sendung, near the height. Pierre M. Krause will know he had a passion after he made his endeavor.

Klamroth gibt willingly Auskunft: “Wenn’s rightly violent reging, geht’s auch danach noch weiter. Dann since that auch nach der Sendung nor sour. Manchmal auch auf mich, if they find, es gab an unfair Frage.” The description, which I am proud of when guests come, said: “Those others dared fell more reason.” It is fast after sending.

“Hart aber fair” bestimimmtlich sein Leben

After the Ausdiskutieren stehe ihm aber dann meist nicht more der Sinn: “Nach der Sendung fallst mein Adrenalin ab und ich bin so fertig, dass ich da nicht mehr long bleiben kann. Ich stoß’ dann noch einmal mit alle an, en dann bin ich meistens – obwohl das eigentlich unhöflich ist – der Erste, der weg ist.”

Ob “Hart aber fair” is the best time to see Frank Plasberg’s 2023 dispatch? “Wenn man es zeitlich nimmt, yes,” said a sensible employee Louis Klamroth in the “Kurzstrecke” follow-up. There are many things you can do when you are in your personal and private life without the separate factor. “Das ist manchmal schwerer”, it is a, “aber ich schaff es ganz gut”.

Ohnehin is like the rule of moderation, “nicht that you can no longer talk about the themes, which are discussed in the transmission, and not so abzuhärten”.

The Ruhm-konnte of the Sohn of Peter Lohmeyer now has no results anymore

Viele Freundschaften in der Fernsehlandschaft pflegt Louis Klamroth nicht. Even Pierre M. Kraus can be brought into camaraderie by cologne entlocking: “I don’t know my best friend either at school or at kindergarten.” Now that the years at grammar school have not been such a bad time. In 2003, Klamroth played on the page of Vaters Peter Lohmeyer (62) in the film hit “Das Wunder von Bern”. The plötzliche Ruhm is a matter of confusing gewesen.

Pierre M. Krause posits Frage, die “Psychologin auch gerne posits”

“Who cares about the 14-year-old Louis”, Pierre M. Krause will erase and trifft because of the offense in Schwarze: “That is a Frage, which my own Psychologist has presented”, says Klamroth: “Sprich but with deinem jüngeren Ich!” There are often reports about the time and there are many positive experiences. Had I been “im Nachgang noch lange beschäftigt”: “Who is a man like Zwölf-, Dreizehnjähriger because in the Pubertät damit um, that one ganz fell Leute recognize and man Aufmerksamkeit cares, which is not normal?”

Er is “zwischendurch schon mal abgehoben”, gesteht or ex-Kinderstar and sei seinen vor allem für eines gratefulbar: that is no longer a film role that has been pushed.

Cathy Hummels is born at “Krause kommt” private einblicke

In the new series of “Krause kommt” (ab sofort in der ARD Mediathek) Pierre M. Krause experiences Einblicke in de Leben von Cathy Hummels (36). Zwischen Blattgold-Sushi, Oktopusarmen und Gambas in Münchner Szenerestaurant samt privatem Séparée lässt sich die Influencerin zu der ein oder other spicy dishes hinreißen.

More than a while in the video – including a brief glimpse into the Hummels’schen Villa.

This pack contains more information about Ehe mit Mats: "I'd like to see things get worse"

Cathy Hummels packs at Pierre M. Krause over the Ehe with Mats from: “I was seriously degraded”