
Festival für Neue Musik lässt Klänge nachschwingen

Festival für Neue Musik lässt Klänge nachschwingen

Marie Babette Nierenz (Intendantin Philharmonie Essen) and Professor Günter Steinke (Folkwang University of the Arts). Photo: TUPMarie Babette Nierenz (Intendantin Philharmonie Essen) and Professor Günter Steinke (Folkwang University of the Arts). Photo: TUP
Marie Babette Nierenz (Intendantin Philharmonie Essen) and Professor Günter Steinke (Folkwang University of the Arts). Photo: TUP

Essen. In Essen we will visit the Center for the Contemporary Music: From October 26 to November 10, the Philharmonie Essen will join forces with the Folkwang Universität der Künste, the Landesmusikrat NRW and the Society for New Music Ruhr for “Festival NOW!” An.

Ermöglicht wird die 14. Ausgabe maßgeblich von der Kunststiftung NRW, der Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung und de Ministerium voor Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. 17 Veranstaltungen met eight Uraufführungen und three German Erstaufführungen in unterschiedlichsten Besetzungen, een Workshop voor Kinder und Jugendliche die een debtproject sichäftigen under dem diesjährigen Motto “Laissez vibrer” met dem Nachschwingen von gehörten Klängen. The “Laissez vibrer” comes from the Schlagzeug literature and ensures the interpretation of a sound or a Schlag on the instrument after welding. During the Sinne Möchte das Festival dazu ermuntern, das in de Konzerten Gehörte auf individual Weise vibrieren zu lassen: Resonance as an inner musical Moment and Nachhall des Erlebten.

The Festival begins with two Concerts on the Text of ETA Hoffmann on Donnerstag, October 31, 2024 at the Philharmonie: At 7 p.m. in the RWE Pavillon, the Ensemble Ascolta will present the Günter Steinke’s work “Der Sandmann” including the performance of the “Nachtstücken” Aufführung. At 8:30 PM you will then watch Alfried Krupp with a performance of Max Neufeld’s Stummfilm “Hoffmann’s Erzählungen” (1923) with the music of Johannes Kalitzke’s Musik z Max Neufeld’s Stummfilm “Hoffmann’s Erzählungen” (1923), played live by the Konzerthausorchester Berlin under the Leitung des Composers.

In individual cases the music is different Solo instruments in Luciano Berios “Sequenza”: Am Freitag, 1. November, at 15 PM Studying the Folkwang Universität der Künste ausgewählte Stücke aus diesem Zyklus in Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Saal des Museum Folkwang . Karlheinz Stockhausen who interprets the inner structure of the keyboard sounds in his keyboard pieces, the song I bis VIII by the Italian pianist Ciro Longobardi at 8 p.m. in the RWE pavilion of the Philharmonie, with Roberto Doati’s electroacoustic tribute to this work.

Das Studio Musikfabrik has another Uraufführung des aus Athen stamden Komponisten Ioannis Mitsialis in the package on November 2 at 6 p.m. in the RWE pavilion, and a new composition by Enno Poppe on the program before 9 p.m. in Alfried Krupp Saal: Nicht weniger als zehn Drum sets are ordered by the work with the title “Streik”, based on the Percussion Orchestra Cologne.

Two German performances during the Chamber Concert of the Trio Abstract on November 3 at 16 pm at the RWE Pavillon prepared: Franck Bedrossian’s “La solitude du rijder de fond” for Alto Saxophon in the Revidierten Fassung (2022 to 2024) and Giorgio Nettis “puLsar”, when you see the pulsating neutron terns.

First time as Aufführungsort des Festival NOW! fungi the architecturally masterful Sanaa Gebäude in the area of ​​the Welterbe Zollverein. The concert program is on November 3 at 7 p.m. Uhr is special about the single Räumlichkeit abgestimmt: Neben dem Stück “Rez-Tér” by the active Philharmonie-Porträtcomponists Márton Illés and “Felsen – Unerklärlich” by Elnaz Seyedi comes with his Uraufführung a new Werkes by Thomas Neuhaus, the Folkwang professor is owner of the Sanaa-Gebäude composer hat. The three works of Ensemble “The Monochrome Project” with Trumpeter Marko Blaauw were interpreted.

The second festival week is on November 8, at 7 p.m. with the WDR Sinfonieorchester in Alfried Krupp Saal zu Guest: Unter der Leitung von Brad Lubman was, among other things, the new orchestra song with the title “Mein Fleisch” by Gordon Kampe uraufgeführt, eingebettet in a tribute to Lehrer Nicolaus A. Huber, from 2024 at 85. Geburtstag feiert. From 9:30 PM in RWE, the Late Night Concert will be presented with the Live Electronic Project “Machine Millieu” by both electronic music special composers Agostino Di Scipio and Dario Sanfilippo.

At 9. November, at 16 pm the Festival Publikum zu einem Abstecher in the Neue Aula der Folkwang Universität der Künste is finished: “drawing a straight line in a curve universe” entitled Roman Pfeifer seine Konzertperformance für sieben Instrumente, Tanz, Elektronik und Licht, here is the Uraufführung-feiern-world. Zurück in the Philharmonie, where at 7:00 PM a new work by the Japanese composer Chikako Morishitas will be performed in a chamber concerto in the RWE pavilion, which is two new compositions by the British Richard Barrett. The late night concert starts at 9:30 PM. Barrett is then playing on the keyboard with the electro-acoustic ensemble and improvisational musician Evan Parker is playing his music.

Small and large line-ups during the Abschließende Festivalsonntag, November 10. At 4 p.m. the trio research was performed in RWE Pavillon zunächst Werke by Arnold Schönberg, Brian Ferneyhough and Helmut Lachenmann. Im great recording session at 19 o’clock at Alfried Krupp Saal presents the Gürzenich-Orchester Köln unter der Leitung von Gergely Madaras the Clarinet Concerto “Re-Akvarell” by Philharmonie-Porträtkomponist Márton Illés (Soloistin: Boglárka Pecze) anyway the Uraufführung of this and Orchesterstück “Ter- Szín-Tér” in der vollständigen Fassung, played Milica Djordjević’s “Quicksilver” and Arnold Schönberg’s “Fünf Orchesterstücke”, op.

NOW! zu Guest at the Gesellschaft für Neue Musik Ruhr

In Essen, contemporary music can be heard more often. The Philharmonic and the Folkwang University of Art have become one of the most important meeting places since 1989 by the Society for New Music in Ruhr (GNMR). Gegründet von Komponist*innen and Interpret*innen in the Ruhr area, the GNMR supports the Verstandnis for the Gegenwartsmusik on über Konzerte and Workshops. September 2022 is here

Räumlichkeiten der “Neuen Musik Zentrale” at Viehofer Platz 18 in Hause. A new Kooperationspartner of NOW!-Festivals have started with the GNMR here on Samstag, 26. October, at 15 PM zu Wandelkonzerten ain – um bereits aine Woche for their fizieellen Festival-Start von der Nordstadt aus die gesamte Essener Innenstadt auf NOW! 2024 einzustimmen.