
VW-Konzern led to Absatzschwund Von dpa-AFX

VW-Konzern led to Absatzschwund Von dpa-AFX

WOLFSBURG/STUTTGART (dpa-AFX) – Volkswagen (ETR:) is looking forward to new developments. After BMW (ETR:) and Mercedes (ETR:) join the board of Quartal in Europe’s larger car manufacturer deutlich weniger Verkäufe. In the month of July to September, sweeter of the world 2.18 Millionen Fahrzeuge all Konzernmarken aus, 7.1 Prozent weniger as im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres, wie de Wolfsburger Mitteilten.

The field of backsliding has still not even started in the east of the country, as if it were a 3.8 Prozent nach unten gegang war. Everything in Asia is changing for the better. “Apart from the intensification of the legislative situation in China, the main group for the global downturn was no longer available,” says Audi Sales Manager Marco Schubert about the Mitteilung. There is a community center for the resort.

In China, the Volkswagen car market rose to 15 percent of prices, in the Asian states to 23.4 percent. In Western Europe, 7 Prozent nach unten went. See here the man “deutlichen Gegenwind aus dem Markt”, like Schubert. Zuwächse in America and Africa/Nahost cannot go further.

Audi tax

Besonders schwach schnitt erneut Audi ab. Der Absatz der VW-Tochter brach um 16 Prozent ein. I am Ringen with BMW and Mercedes on the Platz one of the Premium repairers from Audi that we have abolished. I lost $402,600, they both could get their jewelry back at over 500,000. The Kernmarke Volkswagen büßte 6.6 Prozent ein. A Škoda and Lamborghini see the Lkw-Tochter Traton (ETR:) longer.

Porsche (ETR 🙂 check out Prozent Minus. Debt was also due to all the history of China-Geschäft, wed that Stuttgarter in the first new month 29 Prozent few Sport- and Geländewagen purchased. For the rest of the years it is time for an examination of the records to the following: “With their product quality, we look at the end goal for the year 2024.”

Electric cars are destroyed

A damper goes to Absatz von Elektroautos. I am quartal lieferte der Konzern weltweit nur noch 189,400 E-Modelle aus, 9,8 Prozent weniger as im seben Zeitraum 2023. In China brach der ohnehin schon schwache E-Auto-Absatz sogar um 15 Prozent ein, in Western Europe went 7 Enjoy your stay. The Auftrags file at E-Autos in Western Europe is not available with a turnover of 170,000 Fahrzeugen, heiß es.

New Schub has now given the E-Cars a new Rabattaktion. VW paid the price for the compact Elektro-Wagen ID.3 in October and is ready to go for the Aktionspreis of a value of less than 30,000 Euro in the coming years. Bisher received the Einstiegspreis at quickly 37,000 Euro. First, the end of the Kleinwagens E-Up started costing an electric Volkswagen for less than 30,000 euros for a year.

Betriebsratchef Daniela Cavallo hates the discussion about the new VW Sparpläne, which has received criticism, while the Konzern has not included an E-Auto in the program. Those from 2026 are plants Einstiegsmodelle ID.2 and ID.1 kämen zu spät. VW has reached a higher level of E-Auto-Antieils, in 2025 the EU’s stricter CO2 emissions will come into effect. Andernfalls drohen hohe Punishment.

Absatzziel gesenkt

Der Konzern Hatte Einde September prepares the Absatz forecast for the Gesamtjahr after a correction. There are a number of results from the Auslieferungen of 3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreswert von 9,2 Millionen Fahrzeugen rechnen de Wolfsburger nur nur noch with beef 9 Millionen Verkäufen.