
Wildhunde and other fallen four-beiner

Wildhunde and other fallen four-beiner

Wa man of a Hund speaks, thinking that my people are sofort of Hund. Do you want to know if the house belongs to the Canidae family? Genauer gesagt, zur Unterfamilie Caninae, zu der Hunde, Wölfe, Füchse, Schakale und Kojoten heard. If you want to spend a certain amount of time in the world of the world, while you are in the Australian art world, you will die in the world’s entlegensten shop. Wenn Sie also thought: Ihr Hund sei einzigartig, dann irreren Sie sich!

New? Click as you go through the Gallery and the family of the Canidae family.


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The South American Krabbenfuchs come from the Krustien region. After there was a Vorliebe for Schildkröten, Schildkröteneier, Vogel’s egg, Insects, Eidechsen, Früchte and Bait, die Allesfresser zu a schlauen Opportunistic power.


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This wolfish layer, which is mischievously generated, is secretive and somewhat widespread in Eurasia. The golden chalice is a kind of raubtier as a scavenger, an opportunistic Sammler, the ernährung is nach lebensraum and the years vary.

African Wildhund

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African Wildhund

The African Wildhund is one of the most powerful animals in the world and is on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) list. African wild animals are inhabited in the South of Africa in the Sahara and are endangered in Rudeln, a Gazelle and other antelopes.


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The Mähnenwolf, which is known for its striking black Mähne, is secretive in South America, especially in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. There’s a loner and a seltner. The IUCN study can be considered potential.

Gewöhnlicher Waschbärhund

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Gewöhnlicher Waschbärhund

The small, powerful and very new Waschbärhund, or the Chinese or Asian Washbärhund, is widely spread in the homeland. It is a grateful name for masking the eyes with the North American washers.

Japanese Waschbärhund

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Japanese Waschbärhund

The Japanese Waschbärhund does not look good. There was a time when my kürzeres were described in Japanese folklore as lecherous and picaresque folklore, but light gläubiges and zerstreutes were also described.

Thiopian Wolf

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Thiopian Wolf

The Ethiopian Wolf, the von der IUCN as one of the most experienced people, is the Raubtier Afrikas. Lebensraumverlust, Subsistenzlandwirtschaft, Krankheiten and Konflikken mit Menschen have done that, that is the problem that Hund can quickly be solved.


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On the IUCN Roten List, the Rothund is considered a tufted. The manchmal also like Asian Wildhund bezeichnete Canide ist in Süd- and Ostasien beheimatet. The different types in small Rudeln and ernähren are of such unknown Arten wie Steinböcken and Hasen.

Tibetan Fuchs

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Tibetan Fuchs

The Tibetan Fuchs is one of the characteristic features of the Fuchsart and the Schnauzer one of the characteristic Fuchsart. There is a part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Indian Ladakh Plateau, in Nepal, China, Bhutan and the Indian Federal State of Sikkim zu Hause. There is an area found at an altitude of 5,300 m.

Löffel dog

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Löffel dog

The Ohren that Fuchses can be 13 cm long and have a very strong heat function as well as a heat source (thermal regulation). The Löffel Hound is widely spread in the African savannah and gilded as one of the most popular, but the insect killer among the Canids, wobei Termiten bis 90% seiner Nahrung ausmachen.

Busch dog

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Busch dog

The Buschhund, which is classified in Central and South America and classified by the IUCN as vom Aussterben (Near Threatened), is now rarely used in Hochburgen-Suriname, Guyana and Peru.


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The Schabrackenschakal is a medium sized Hund, it is a beautiful and southern African breed. If you know a black hair cloak on the back, you know there is a different image. This bowl is everything fresher and not everything there was was my problem.


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In North and Central America, the Graufuchs have been schwarzen Schwanzstreifen zu recognize for a long time that a remarkable feature has its own character.


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The central and southern Africa is a pursuit of everything fresher and ace fresher and follows a good spear plan, that is to say in the rainy season, most of the wirbellose layers and in the trockenen monates of small säugetieren, who dem Springhasen, ernähren. If you make a name change by Ellbogen bis zur Hüfte.


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Diese am Polarkreis beheimatete Hundeart fühlt sich in der eisigen Wildnis pudelwohl. If the temperature of the fuchsia is at a temperature of 40° C, the temperature of the fire stops for a long time, while the temperature of a woolen thread changes.


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Other extremities are the Andenschalk or the Andenfuchs, in the beautiful Rainforests, Wüsten, Chaparralen and Hochebenen of Western South America in the House.


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The Grauwolf that died in Verruf is secretive in North America and Eurasia. The Grauwolf is for all people in the West, its foreign companies and their cooperation projects can be a platz in the folklore, religion and mythology of cultural culture for a long time.

Eurasian Wolf

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Eurasian Wolf

The Eurasian Wolf, an Unterart des Frauwolfs friendly in Europe and Asia, has a melodious sound like its North American cousin, its Heulen is lauter and langanhaltender. Who der Grauwolf is, is one of the levels in many federal states of the extensive culture beddeutung.


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Some of the eight Californian canals are a bit like the Erde, a man that is active at night with the insel-graufuchs-antreffen (in summer it is active in winter). The signaller Seltenheit is placed by the Fuchs on the Rotenlist of the IUCN as a potential gefährdet eingestuft.

Afrikanischer Goldwolf

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African Goldwolf

Although the Goldschakale is grim, the African Goldwolf is actually a scarier relative of Grauwolfs and des Kojoten. There is a larger part of the northern and western regions of the Secret Continents.


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Another winning layer with roadworthy ohren. Der Wüstenfuchs is now like this, a warm abzuleiten and verteckte beutetiere zu orten. The Wüstenfuchs is the smallest fuchsart and its appearance is perfect for the Wüstengebiet North Africa.


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The secret in Australia is a more robust, larger dog with a wider standard, which is on edge, signposts and expands Ausdauer. These golden or red flowers can be done all (for all young men) or during the 10th stage of life, and it is possible that this kind of thing will be done after a few small efforts.

Argentine Kampfuchs

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Argentine Kampfuchs

The Argentine Kampfuchs are found in the South American Pampas of Zentralargentinien, Uruguay, Ostbolivian, Paraguay and South Africa. Being located in Andenschalk, art can detach itself from the homeland, the pampasfuchs in the northern part of the Verbreitungsgebiets area is in the southern part.


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The safety of the IUCN in the Australian Northwest Peru is one of the most common lebensräume, the Sechura-Wüste in the Northwest Peru, good. In a narrow region west of Anden, there is a wide spread of the Peruvian and Southern Coastal Line.


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The Kojote is an iconic example of North America. There is a part of the common part that is broad and genius if the Gray Wolf has another place in American culture.


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Der Darwin-Fuchs is one of the selected creations in this Gallery and is now found in a number of isolated areas of Chile, including the Nahuelbuta National Park. The Darwin-Fuchs began in 1834 with natural explorer Charles Darwin on San Pedro Island when the Chilean coast was established and the heute of the IUCN was established.

Brazilian Kampfuchs

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Brazilian Kampfuchs

If in Brazil the Kampfuchs have a nocturnal active period, it is worth carrying out all the small wiring activities with insects. There is a selected art and is used as a powerful tool on the IUCN Roten List.

Himalayan Wolf

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Himalayan Wolf

If there is a Himalayan Wolf that focuses on the fact that it is located on the Tibetan plateau and the mountain zentralasiens at 4,000 m altitude. This Wolfskunst is one of the oxygen farms used by the IUCN as a good cause.

South American Graufuchs

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South American Graufuchs

The small, bold Graufuchs with their whiter feathers and their long ones, are popular in the southern parts of the Argentines and Chiles, for everything in Patagonia and Feuerland, where manchmal also as Patagonian Fuchs are visited. There are many words, but the Zahl is rücksichtslos, that has been chased a long way to Fells.


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The Steppenfuchs come into Steppen, Halbwüsten and Wüsten in Zentralasien and can watch the nahrung and was for a longer time.


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Most people are from the Rotfuchs who can test the Fuchsart in this Gallery. There is a part of the Northern Hemisphäre extended and high in the city and the Vorstädten on the Jagd nach Nahrung gesehen. There is another level that lasts a long time in folklore, religion and mythology.

Quellen: (IUCN) (African Wildlife Foundation) (Geographic) (International Wolf Center)

Also interesting: Bestien des Bösen? These layers serve as a symbol of the Teufels