
Finger stumped, aber Machete-Attacke erfunden: Do you want to start the process?

Finger stumped, aber Machete-Attacke erfunden: Do you want to start the process?

Chief Executive Officer Ingrid Burghart (60) erklärt, signal Bekannter soll Alexander W. three Finger abgehackt haben. Politicians spend years in the city park.

Chief Executive Officer Ingrid Burghart (60) erklärt, signal Bekannter soll Alexander W. three Finger abgehackt haben. Politicians spend years in the city park. © Image editing: Maik Börner, Harry Härtel

There is a good chance that right-wing extremists will have the opportunity to enjoy a certain situation.

Grund für die Bluttat: Alexander W. wants to cash in on the changing state of affairs.

The Komplizen der Prozess will be authorized on November 29.

Chemnitz: Diebstahl auf dem Sonnenberg: Mann flüchtet with three Dönern
Chemnitz crime
Diebstahl auf dem Sonnenberg: Mann flüchtet with three Dönern

“I would like to know more about the quality of care in Tateinheit with the help of the care that has been taken care of,” writes Oberstaatsanwältin Ingrid Burghart (60).

Der Angeklagte soll in Absprache dem Bekannten “Zeigefinger, Mittelfinger und Ringfinger der linksen Hand am unterssten Glied abgetrennt haben”, so de Staatsanwaltschaft.

The process can help the Maceten-Mann change the Verhandlungstage am Chemnitzer Landgericht.

Alexander W. made a mistake – among other things, Vortäuschens a Straftat. If you want to do an investigation, it’s not offensive.