
Wolkig mitAussichtauf Pfannkuchen –

Wolkig mitAussichtauf Pfannkuchen –

Shouldn’t the man on the land be bald anymore with the car and the supermarket, but we would love to have breakfast with them? In Brandenburg it was practically wrong, nach Science-Fiction sounds

Kein Wocheneinkauf: 3.5 kilos buy the Drohne maximum Photo: Toni Petraschk

Aus Wüsterhausen Svenja Bergt

That Drohne is wavering. If you are in the air with an excess of bass stimulus, the rotor blade is so fast that it is no longer visible. When you’re in the airspace, that’s one of those things. Statistics ensure that a stick in one direction, a stick in the other, whoever is a betrunkener, the sea is no longer coordinated – and the air at Sven Jürß zu Sorgenfalten auf der Stirn. The Drohnen pilot said about his Flugobjekt: “It is normal for the wind to flutter a little. Once you throw a fit in the air, it doesn’t happen anymore.”

It is a schlechter Tag in Wusterhausen, a Gemeinde in Northwest Brandenburg, fewer than 6,000 Einwohner:innen distributed on 22 Ortsteile – and a guter. A schlechter Tag for the project, this is a problem: the love of livelihood for Drohne in a certain area, which is very small and not underestimated. The next supermarket opens within 20 minutes. For other people, it may be that there are no more indications that the environmental grounds are on the woolen car view, the care with life-related things may become unusual. And if this is a good tag, one thing that still does not work is, if Drohnen for an eingesetzt sollen, it is not even a unternehmen, military interest or very differentiated paparazzi-dient, among the people.

Fünf Minuten Fußweg takes place through the Drohne and a Viertelstunde before it. The Marktplatz in Wusterhausen is an Ort, a Tagen-of-Markt-leer werk, by the Stand and the Einkaufenden a geschäftige Lebendigkeit-bekommt. Fleischer, Fischhändler, the hostile Bäckerei – the two Mitarbeiterinnen pausenlos Bienenstich, Mohnzopf, Pfannkuchen and Krausgebackene in Tüten. In the Schlange der Kund: the story of Corinna Solga ein. You order a two-toned Blätterteig with Apfelfüllung and three Pfannkuchen – without any worries, including the Order with the Zuckerguss or the Puderzucker common, and it costs 8.50 Euro bar. Although the Drohne can never fly, Solga can make the most of his function, while the Waren come into the Luft.

Corinna Solga is virtually the hand of the “Marktschwalbe”. So heißt das Projekt, met dem Lebensmittel and Drogerieprodukte and two Days of the Week vom Markt in Wusterhausen in umliegende Ortsteile were flown. Bislang is neither an investigation as a regulative einsatz, but it cannot be here and there. The idea is a groundsätzlich funktioniert: in a flächengemeinde product of the tag used on a nach B flight.

Damit the Waren vom Laden or Marktstand in the Drohne komen, give Solga and a Kollegen. As a Dispatcher you must do the following: If you have the Waren on the market and in the teilnehmenden Geschäften one, take your flight to the transport box, make sure the Drohne starts and bring your starting place to the starting place. Now that you are flying, this is not the case, but you will no longer see the small Drohnenschein of the Basiswissen. The leader of the flying team is Sven Jürß, the Drohnenpiloten. It’s not even like you can use your steering wheel at the distance between the internet and the room.

Robin Kellermann is one of the buyers proposing the “Marktschwalbe” project. 2018 major damage Mobiliteitsforscher an der TU Berlin zu Drohnen als Transportmittel. Irgendwann wants to be more praxis and interested, because he will go to the future. There are gründete gemeinsam met een Mitstreiter a Firma, de Kommunen berät, de Drohnen zum Wohl der Allgemeinheit einsetzen wollen. So insist on the idea of ​​the “Marktschwalbe”. A geeigneter Ort fand sich in Wusterhausen with its small investment structure – and a clear openness for new technology projects. Before a test is carried out a few years later, this will be an autonomous bus. The background war only increases the burden of insurance and people become more and more mobile, it concerns their own cars. Robin Kellermann said of the marktschwalbe: “If you discuss human mobility, if you are in the country, this is an indisputable work.”

In the city you think you will never think again, as long as you can quickly do everything you can do. Außerhalb is different, Vanessa Japs knows that. You can live and enjoy family living on Trieplatz, just 15 minutes by car from Wusterhausen. One of the powerhouses of the family is a big car driver. “If it is about a healthy lifestyle or a healthy lifestyle or if you want to buy a kitchen, then it is wise to go to the market,” he said on the phone. We care for the brothers and sisters who live in the house. The Bestellung is available online or by telephone. When the Drohne comes into the Luft era, Solga de Kund can: if you inquire, the Ware fun begins with landing the land.

Drohnen can rely on the transport of medicines or other organic substances

If all goes well, it is mobile mobility: the Japanese want to cook in the kitchen to be able to do more, but the Frisian farmers may use their sparrows in the car. It may be that the dryer is no longer a Wocheneinkauf. Three kilograms dare to pack the dispatcher into the transport boxes. If all the children of a family in the family have a dream, this can be done.

But he would still love to meet the Drohnen-Landeplatz in the Trieplatz. If you think about the sun, you can let the September day know that a cloud cover has disappeared. Pilot Sven Jürß lets the Drohne trotzdem kurz climb, a problem with his problem. When you are in the air, the GPS satellite signal cannot provide a signal. And that is the moment when the sun is active. The communication signal of the GPS satellite, i.e. the Max Planck Institute for Solar Energy Systems, was transmitted by the following rays of sunlight. For full navigation, the problem is not solved – start and land a dry attack.

Firmengründer Kellermann said: “A robust technical system that is equipped with fehlerfrei, is the greatest herausforderung.” The internet connection, the Drohnenpilot, one of the Steuern does not intend to see the wind or the strong rain, a rettungshubschrauber or A light flight – so many factors, the system out of tact entails costs. It’s as good as it gets. While Winter with Calm, Snow, Dunkelheit, Glatteis is never more attractive, the love from the Luft is so much fun. Kellermann put it as follows: “Das soll hier keine Schönwettersache sein.”

Fly from A to B in a flächengemeinde product of the tag? Basic function of the idea

Hartmut Fricke, Professor for Technology and Logistics of Air Transport at TU Dresden, did not say that he has a perspective on Brötchen en Joghurt voor Drohne welding here. When you lose your weight, the weight of your weight increases, and more weight does not compensate for the weight. When the “Marktschwalbe” said: “If the technology demonstration is a reforming Sache.” When the Drohnen were able to start more and later, that is their certainty. Zum Beispiel im medizinischen Bereich, bei Transport von Medikamenten, Laborproben oder sogar Organen. Look in the Area of ​​Express Love of Paketen. Centrally located near the inspection and inspection of wind farms in Schienen. Here it is no longer the case that the Zulassung is a problem – it is a clear overview of the scale and the likelihood of people flooding – how the financial situation of the Einsatz will quickly end. “Convention is an extremely important inspection”, but it is also important for personal performance. Because of the long journeys involved in flying, it saves time and money. Deutsche Bahn has used the technology for the short term now, but it’s so bare bones. I started thinking about the long-term results in September, one of the Schienennetz of the überwachen.

Naturally, it was a “real experiment” in Wusterhausen, said Bürgermeister Philipp Schulz. If all goes well, the Drohnenlieferung der Gemeinde will continue. “Here in the landscape of the land is the improvement of the natural organization and a large theme,” it says. There is a lot of attention for the “Marktschwalbe” project, but that is not the case. I don’t have a Schritt, so Schulz, if Hofläden would be taken care of, denn with the love of air, it should have a sister-tzlichen Vertriebsweg.

Qudratic, practical, Drohnenlandeplatz Photo: Toni Petraschk

If one of the projects in Wusterhausen is positive, he can incur one of its costs. The order is neither instantaneous nor free for the Haushalte. The project received official financing, which required 400,000 euros. Funding is more secure until the end of February 2025, at which point it will become a question of an Anschluss or the project itself being a tragedy. Kellermann said, no matter how high the ordering costs are, there is no question yet if the “Marktschwalbe” will make its money. Kundin Japs says, 2 Euro is worth the purchase price – 5 Euro is not.

Zum others respect the people for their environment, which in itself is the “Market Market” as a business factor for the region and its pupils. Japanese message from Feriengästen on Trieplatz. Is it possible that there is a problem after all, but is it a love for the Drohne? The dispatch of Solga suggests that Wusterhausen zum Modell- en Ausbildungsort were done. Bürgermeister Schulz reported on the Kommunale Bauhof, which has developed the start-up and agriculture, and the know-how, the man in the emerging Gemeindeverwaltung. And Gründer Kellermann court, that is his Beispiel Landwirt: in the Wert der Drohne acknowledge. As one of the many landwirtschaftliches that arise, one of the most important things that can be a problem.

And as beautiful as it is, the Solga chewed in the background? Der Kunde hat zwischendurch a personal abgeholt. “No problem, it is easy, but it functions better,” whatever else there is. Who came after Wusterhausen? By car.