
Boeing cancels 777X program –

Boeing cancels 777X program –

Boeing cancels 777X program, ©

Die 777-9 hours Frankfurt Airport


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Boeing has installed the new Großraummaschine 777X.

There are people who were informed about the first Auslieferung of the 777X-herausforderungen at the Entwicklung, Flugtestpausen and Arbeitsunterbrechungen were verzögern.

The first Auslieferung a 777-9 erwartet der Konzern jetzt statt 2025 first 2026. Bei der Frachtmaschine 777-8 soll es bis 2028 dauern.

Boeing’s problem with the classification of the 777X was that the market penetration of the aircraft posed a problem.

767 is set

Boeing instituted the 767-Frachter program, which flew and was approved on February 29, 2027. The production of KC-46A tankers based on the 767 would be continued.

“Welcome to an attempt to confront the border, hit an important strategic decision for our independence,” says the new Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg in the Freitag in one of the solutions and the measures with him.

Man habe eine klare Vorstellung davon, “was wir tun müssen, um our Unternehmen wieder auf Kurs zu alles”, so Ortberg, der gleichzeitig den Abbau von etwa 17.000 Arbeitsplätzen angekündigte.

Look for the US-Flugzeugbauer in a specific situation. We are going to Mitte September and the Auernden Streiks comb the Assembly of Boeing-Maschinen 737 Max, 767 and 777 practically to Erliegen.

The American crisis recovery company is no longer on the financial path of the Streik financial situation. While Boeing has a problem for the Arbeitskampf, Maschinen’s Security mission is a problem.

Lufthansa affected

The 777X-Verzögerung is involved with other Lufthansa. The German airline orders 20 of the new long flight with the Knickflügeln. Stubbornly, it flies for four years.

Lufthansa has made plans for the Boeing problem that came about at the end of 2026. Once the new Flugzeuge is a reality, the Konzern will play ball with other Flugzeuge operations.

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