
Nikin schreibt rote Zahlen – Loading in Aarau zu falscher Zeit?

Nikin schreibt rote Zahlen – Loading in Aarau zu falscher Zeit?

Nikin schliesst Geschäftsjahr with herbem Minus ab – comemt der Flagship-Store in Aarau zur valschen Zeit?

The Jahresabschluss der Aargauer Trendmarke said that it is not a good picture. Zahlen’s mess is now a fact, as Geschäftsführer Nicholas Hänny said. Immediately Nikin will live in a fun-filled home in the Aarauer Altstadt.

Nikin-Geschäftsführer Nicholas Hänny on January at the Wirtschaftssymposium at KuK Aarau.

Nikin-Geschäftsführer Nicholas Hänny on January at the Wirtschaftssymposium at KuK Aarau.

Image: Sandra Ardizzone

Nikin established itself as the trend brand in Aargau, which is set for the long term and sells garments from a Baum design for you. Before a world war by statistics, Bilanz and PME is run by one of the innovative Schweizer Unternehmen activities.

Zum Erfolg führt aber selten einfacher Weg: Anfang Jahr gab Nikin die Streichung von 12,2 Vollzeitstellen bekannt. 10 of 50 adjustments had to be made to the pension reduction.

The last part of the time when the problem is not solved cannot exist. It is a fact that the company started making a major financial contribution in February. «Wir has received a liquidity guarantee. If you will have a woolen financial future and a profitable business, this will be a long-term investment project in your business.»

Enjoy yourself quickly, so how your own capital is

Knapp fünf Monate später, am 30. June, Schloss Nikin das Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 ab. A look at the annual report said: In Vorjahr the liquidity quickly dropped to half. The company’s equity has a value of 3.29 million in a year, but less than 1.66 million Francs. Quick gross gross war of lust in last years: 1.63 Millions. Der Umsatz schrumpfte von 8.66 op 7.83 Millionen Francs.

The pride of couples and their loved ones who lived in Nikin since July, will open a flagship store in Aarau. Zur Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags war same der Stadtpresident war with dabei.

From left: Hanny Baghdadi, city chairman Hanspeter Hilfiker, Nikin chief Nicholas Hänny, Tarek Baghdadi and Nikin-Mitbegründer Robin Gnehm. The Baghdadis are the Vermieter.

From left: Hanny Baghdadi, city chairman Hanspeter Hilfiker, Nikin chief Nicholas Hänny, Tarek Baghdadi and Nikin-Mitbegründer Robin Gnehm. The Baghdadis are the Vermieter.

Image: nvg

The Eröffnung was planted in Frühling 2025. Nikin would like to leave the Vergleichsweise Wisa-Gloria-Areal in Lenzburg and go to Etagen am Graben 33 in the Aarauer Altstadt. Planted in an office, showroom for handler and Räume for smaller events, «a meeting room with Waldfeeling» with a T-shirt-tragenden Baum as Herzstück. Humor can present itself as one of the four wasserfalls in a new “Nikin House” nachgedacht.

From Start in Aarau, for Nikin with a new beginning, said Geschäftsführer Nicholas Hänny in July. «We look now at the beginning of the Kapitel Aarau.» Is the Flagship Store that has purchased a new product in Aarau no longer a risky investment for a financial setback?

Robin Gnehm and Nicholas Hänny (from left) at the Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags.

Robin Gnehm and Nicholas Hänny (from left) at the Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags.

Image: nvg

«Wir haben das sehr gründlich and morefach durchgechnet»

This Frage is “absolutely nachvollziehen”, says Hänny about Anfrage. Die Chance, in das Haus because in Aarau einzuziehen, habe man aber packen müssen. «Wir has reversed our divorce and may last longer. Our Flagship Store is a profitable project that is planted with relevant information in an unanswered manner.»

Der Verkauf vor Ort offers new possibilities for the Marke. Positive experiences empowered Nikin for two years with the Pop-up Store at the AKB. The elegant stand at the Aarauer Weihnachtsmarkt is easier to visit than in Zurich. “The physical price on the market is for a market that is enormous,” says Nicholas Hänny, the Green Liberal candidate for the Grossen Rat.

Pop-ups have been loaded in the «AKB Lab» in Aarau, where Nikin is located.

Pop-ups have been loaded in the «AKB Lab» in Aarau, where Nikin is located.

Image: Severin Bigler

If the financial situation arises, that is not the case. «The start in life is truly positive.» Der August sweet black deutlich schlechter if planted, July and September aber besser. In the future the company will be a two Prozent, but is under budget.

Weighing the first cost savings was done first in the next Monaten brand bar. This started with the Weihnachtsgeschäft about four quarters ago. For the current factory on June 30, 2025, the Nikin factory will end with Hänny, which will be profitable.

In a Crowdinvest Campaign, Nikin Ende 2022 had collected a turnover of 5 million Francs from 4000 Investors. Whoever said Hänny would be communicated with Verlusten in 2024 and so on.