
Countries more Afghans with free shipping From dpa-AFX

Countries more Afghans with free shipping From dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – My first German Abschiebeflug after Kabul is the Taliban force that brings more Afghans out of the Bundesländer at the end of August. It is very useful to research the “Welt am Sonntag”. The Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come from the Vorschlägen der Länder, which has carried out 28 Afghan crimes, which were flown safely to Kabul.

Hessen hatte nach den Recherchen 96 Straftäter vorgeschlagen, Lower Saxony 41, Bayern 40, North Rhine-Westphalia 24, Saxony 20. Hamburg spoke of a “mittleren eintelligen Zahl”, Bremen of three Vorschlägen. More Bundesländer have the idea that they have no power, this is it.

The Minister of the Interior of Bayern and Saxony, Joachim Herrmann (CSU) and Armin Schuster (CDU) ended up more in the “Welt am Sonntag”. Herrmann has said that “the Criminal Justice and Defense Forces in our country do not have such a habit and all the rule of law sets zum Schutz our Citizens and Citizens in Movement”. Schuster speaks well for better results and stable results.

At the end of August, 28 men from Afghanistan had been abducted in their Herkunftsland. Since August 2021, the Islamist Taliban are in power in Afghanistan. If you are internationally criticized, for all avenues and massive advocacy of Frauenrechts, aber also weigh your hearts Vorgehens gegen Menschenrechtler, Protesters and Journalists.