
“Who is the direction?” 4 Answer, if you can’t use “gut”.

“Who is the direction?” 4 Answer, if you can’t use “gut”.

Alternative answers to “Wie geht’s dir?”, if you can’t say “gut”

Communication: Two women in one conversation

© Artem Varnitsin / Adobe Stock

Viele Menschen knows this: Diese Tage, an denen die Frage “Wie geht’s dir?” an empfindlichen nervous trifft. If you want to give an answer at a certain point, the best time is to listen – and one of the best times to stop.

In the US, the fragment “How are you?” for human interaction with maple syrup on pancakes. At the checkout in the supermarket, at a simple taxi, at a restaurant or when ordering in the Treppenhaus: “How are you?” You may have a problem with a simple boundary. If a solchen-gebrauch is clear, then it has fallen into the selection that an ehrliche Antwort hear mage: It is a floskel, a previous form of Ausdruck von Höflichkeit, Wertschätzung, Interest.

In Germany, the yard won’t be as big with the vast fragments of part of humanity in the US – but it won’t happen overnight. If you are concerned about demands, ask your questions about nachbarinnen or ex-colleagues, who will connect to the street, and use emails, nachrichten and co., if it is eigentlich that it is so that it becomes loose . Clearly, manchmal fragen uns Freundinnen or der Verwandte, “Wie geht es dir?”, and if then an interesting ant herb is interesting, so complex and long lasting, whoever it is. After the situation has disappeared that the fragment meist during a tennis match, the chance will be high and galant zurückspielen sollen (and wollen), damit der Ballwechsel in Gang kommt.

Grundsätzlich is the small problem. When man is no longer alive, the seriousness of the matter is not so great, and man does not follow any rules and rituals that work for most people. But manchmal, oh, manchmal. Manchmal kan de Frage “Wie geht’s dir?” strike an empfindlichen nerve. Manchmal can be an unimaginable signal, the ball with a “gut” zurückzupielen and stehen zu bleiben on the field. Nothing, we will no longer have a problem with our power – some things are themselves a guilty sin. Do you want to have a better chance next time? If you are in the Hausflur, can you get a surplus of our Job, while taking out Mutter and doing a good self-criticism and actions? Auch nicht so reizvoll. There was a moment when a dramatic Rückspiel game took place: unpleasant ausweichen. Zum Beispiel with one of the following answers (… that we can naturally all with “Und dir so?” Abschließen können).

4 Antworten auf “Wie geht es dir?”, if je ut “gut” kannst kannst

“Mich nervt / ich liebe das Wetter”

Not original, but bewildered: Das Wetter is a rewarding theme, a horrible one. There is a connection to her, but all the wires are there. It is possible that the wiring comes from the Austausch area, but the wiring can go unnoticed and there are several measurements you can use. It is possible that the Wetter often has a Auswirkung on our immung, soft drink with the most recent ansatzweise on the Frage unseres Gegenübers antworten können – beziehungsweise ihm das Gefühl geben, with hätten darauf geantwortet.

“Es ist Wochenende/ fast Wochenende/ Montag …”

Who is there with an unpainted festivity that strengthens us as Antwort and interprets it according to Lust and Laune? Before this Ausweichman starts at a certain time in the week, while he then goes through the miserable Montag, it is all a matter of time to do his or her work, and the seriousness of the Lebens-gemein is on pause. A very clear answer, which those meisten “Wie geht’s?”-Fragenden zufriedenstellen wird.

“I’m sure I’m on my way …”

If we can no longer speak out, which is a problem, it is not possible to listen, but we cannot say that the problem is a problem for us – how to continue cutting in or not being able to mumble anymore, a verabredung , ins Büro … In most cases it is the other person who takes the leap, it is not a good time to reason, and there are even more fragments.

“Viel los zurzeit.”

This Antwort can contain everything – and that is the night and the night. We could use “fell loose” Kriege und Klimawandel meinen, personal Krisen or Chancen. There may be positive or negative associations, new or different. Because this Antwort offering has appeared for more fragments – the woman can no longer use a root herb as “Who is that?”. It often becomes fun to warn people with the “fell loose” – Antwort zufrieden, that those girls erase who they are, if they say, they already fell loose.

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