
Mittags in der Mensa: Gute Rezepte für more Klimaschutz | – Nachrichten

Mittags in der Mensa: Gute Rezepte für more Klimaschutz | – Nachrichten

Status: 12.10.2024 15:07 Uhr

Who could beitragage the Kantinen zum Klimaschutz? The Mensa der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität in Oldenburg has a new, climb-friendly road. Auf der Speisekarte steht weniger Fleisch. There is no more effort worth it.

von Claudia Plaß, Susanne Tappe and Marc-Oliver Rehrmann

I am the best man that is Marc Pargmann. There is a slate in Oldenburg, the Uni-Mensa am Standort Uhlhornsweg seitwa zehn Jahren. 3,500 Essenes were prepared in the Großküche im Schnitt pro Tag. “In the first line of our work, we will be able to work better,” said Pargmann. Looking at this can give you an ideal idea of ​​a cabin that you can bring. “Wir wollen möglichst regional, wir wollen wollen möglichst Bio, wir wollen möglichst artrecht,” says Pargmann. “And if you want more, if you are a little Sachen, you would be the priority.”

Regional products are tradition

Mensa-Leiter Marc Pargmann is in the Großküche der Uni-Mensa in Oldenburg. © NDR Info Photo: Claudia Plaß

Mensa-Leiter Marc Pargmann has a plan in place for most of the time.

Stichwort Regionalität. A recipe for more happiness in life since life. The fresh life with Milch, Joghurt, Obst and Gemüse comes in the larger part of the region – in the garden of the region of Bremen. Kurze Transportwege heißt: lower climatic CO2 emissions. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Landwirten aus der naheren Umgebung hat Tradition. Schon seine Vorgänger haben auf Regionalität großen Wert gegt, erzählt of Mensa-Chef in Podcast “Mission Klima – Lösungen für die Krise”. “The fact is that it has become unacceptable. It will be 30 years since the Bauern has developed and fragmented, because it is a woolen Gemüs.”

For art-oriented tierhaltung, charity is more common

On the food plan you can eat meat and fish. The person and the team are aware of Fleisch origins eight times. “Rind, Schwein und Lamm are welcome in our own way,” says Pargmann. Man is brought together with Neuland-Betrieben. There is not a single Bio-Betriebe. Aber: The Neuland-Höfe has followed strict rules for the Tierhaltung scheme. If all goes well, the Schweine or the Rinder meer Platz in the Stall is as specified. If you are aware, the level of the Futter has been obtained from the region. Soy imports from Übersee since tabu.

A Blick in the Großküche der Uni-Mensa in Oldenburg © NDR Info Photo: Claudia Plaß

Gemüse, Obst and Joghurt come from Bauernhöfen in the region.

“A leader has served the Neuland-Höfe here with the right dishes,” says Pargmann. Deshalb kommt das Fleisch voor de Uni-Mensa aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. “Also we are looking for a longer stay in the shopping area.” It’s a compromise. “Dafür kommen die Lieferanten nur eeninmal die Woche. Darauf können wir us mit unserem Speiseplan einstellen.”

At Bio-Geflügel it is a Haken

When the whistle is low, it is more swingy. Gerade smaller Bio-Geflügelzüchter können -jedenfalls für Largeküchen – nicht verlässlich gleichgroße Stücke loveern. And this power is an end to the essence and to the acquisition. Therefore, neither Pragmann nor Geflügelfleisch wanted the conventional Haltung zurück. Other products enable Pargman to use organic quality. “The bio-quote is at 25 percent. Humans reach 30 percent at some point.”

The Institute for Energy and Environment Research Heidelberg has investigated the ökological fußabdrücke of Lebensmitteln. This is the case: Manche Bio-Lebensmittel schneiden bei der CO2-Bilanz schlechter ab – for everything at Fleisch, Milch and Eiern. If all goes well, bio-production in the production of conventional technology is only a small part of the production and development of your products more fläche useful. So there will be higher CO2 emissions at the same time. Allerdings are of a different kind. They are legally responsible: Bio-Landwirte setzen weniger Pestizide ein, chemical Pflanzenschutzmittel gar nicht. Und der Boden bewirtschaftet nachhaltiger. This is the heart of the Artenvielfalt. The Environment Agency puts forward a single form: Fewer generic products, more organic, that is a good thing for Klima.

Immerse your vegan Speisen in Angebot

The Trend zu vegan Ernährung is one of the Uni Oldenburg deutlich zu spüren. “Wir sind mittlerweile bei knapp 50 Prozent veganem Essen”, Pargmann reports. “Vegan recipes are also a greater part of the time. If you eat more meat, it will be purchased vegetarian, but that will be vegan. They will also use a tasty meal.” It has been four years since the Uni-Mens visited the Tag veganes Essen. “It is not easy for the war in the kitchen team, that Schritt Mitzugehen. Aber mittlerweile since all happy and stehen auch dazu.”

The Uni-Mensa in Osnabrück stands on a “Climate Counter” in Angebot. There may be a target point for CO2 Bilanz use. Allerdings are nur für Hauptgericht, en nur für die Zutaten auf dem Teller. The Zubereitung, also der Energieverbrauch by Kochen zum Beispiel, is not with einberechnet.

More and more, more healthy and healthy people, more than just that and little Zucker – the Planetary Health Diet sees a spearhead plan for a healthy, good and climate-friendly problem for. The idea is formed by the “EAT Lancet Commission” – a Vereinigung von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Das Ziel: zu procure a scientific foundation, for a second generation transition. If you have a problem, the artificiality of the problem is solved, the wash server is reduced and the CO2 emissions are gone.

Modern kitchen furnishings use energy consumption

A Blick in the Großküche der Uni-Mensa in Oldenburg © NDR Info Photo: Claudia Plaß

When the appliances in the large kitchen are a bit like energy and water consumption.

Man’s climbing ability is no longer of vital importance. Take a look at the energy source of the large kitchen. So if you make an analysis: if the energy supply now has a drop of CO2 emissions, the others are both energy-determining and energy-saving. “Tatsächlich ist de Kühlung innerhalb der Gastronomie mit kältemitteln der grote Brocken – met 40 Prozent”, report from the Leiter der Hochschul-Gastronomie, Christian Vinz.

Deshalb would erneuert the entire kitchen technology. “There is an energy, washer and chemistry. We have a lot of cleaning and all things cleaning, that all the things were washed away, that we have an enormous amount of chemical waste,” says Vinz. “People said it was 25 years ago that the new technology became a part. ” If you use a new detergent, you should use the detergent to do halbiers – from 300 liters for a quantity of 150 liters.

Climate protection at Mittag? Schulen and Kitas are more zogerlich

The Uni-Mensa in Oldenburg is also a climbing friendly road. We see another pair of high shoes on their shoes. There is fragmentation in the government ministries of the Bundesland. They are the people and cafeterias of the high school in their care. Kitas and vor alle Schulen don’t think about it. “Wenn man die Frage stelltlt: Inwieweit haben Sie schon auf pflanzenbetonte Verpflegung umgestell? Dann kann man feststellen, dass bei de Kita-Trägern 35 Prozent der Befragten sagen: Yes, wir haben das schon gemacht. Bei den Schulträgern since es nur 25 Prozent und at der Hochschul-Gastronomie 85 Prozent.” So paints Ulrike Arens-Azevedo von der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg. The professors for the Ernährungswissenschaften hat the Befragung durchgeführt.

Today there are 16 to 18 million people in a canteen – the number of children of children and students, workers and workers, clinic patients and seniors in Altenheim. In de Mensen der Hochschulen essen bundesweit etwa 660.000 Studierende am Tag.

More information

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NDR info | Mission Klima – Lösungen für die Krise | 04.10.2024 | 06:00 Uhr

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