
Traum von DEL-Ära platzt: Munich wirft ex-Bundestrainer Söderholm raus

Traum von DEL-Ära platzt: Munich wirft ex-Bundestrainer Söderholm raus

Traum von DEL-Ära geplatzt
Munich recruits ex-Federal coach Söderholm

Don Jackson’s Fußstapfen were so great: Schon nach etwas more than a year ist for the younger Bundestrainer Toni Söderholm at EHC Red Bull Munich Schluss. Der Klub focuses on “einer der schwersten Entscheidungen at all”.

Lately in the new SAP Garden war in the Forests of EHC Red Bull Munich fell. The former Bundestrainer Toni Söderholm, who played more than a year, nor the Wunschlösung for the Nachfolge of Meistercoach Don Jackson, became more ambitious in the Klub after a poor assessment of the start in the new season of the German Eishockey Liga (DEL).

It is the four-time German Meister met. “For our organization there is a tremendous difference between the two teams,” says Christian Winkler, Managing Director Sports of Eishockey-Abteilung at Red Bull. If it is Söderholm’s own affair with the Munchnern, it is true that Jackson will be hated. Four Master Titles of the US-American in the Bavarian Landeshauptstadt.

But the decayed Saison in love seemed wacklig. De Hauptrunde schlossen die Münchner nur auf Rang fünf ab. The heavy blows of the EHC put an end to the Playoff-Halbfinal, and the team ended up having fun playing after the Späteren Vizemeister Fischtown Penguins Bremerhaven. The new playing time will feature four starts and the start of new NHL professional Tobias Rieder, who is now ready to play.

“After the results of our personal experience after top management in our development and our daily experience have not been observed, the changes that have not occurred in our experience after our recent experience have been observed,” Winkler gives the first Trainerentlassung der DEL-Saison. Entscheidend war letztlich die 1:2-Pleite nach Penaltyschießen am Freitagabend gegen Schlusslicht Düsseldorfer EG.

With your visit you know Söderholm itself

After training with his Finnish colleagues, Co-Trainer Max Kaltenhauser is the ambitious Klub as interim coach. The war 42 years ago in the summer of the EHC war, after the Eisbären Regensburg had won the Meisterschaft in the DEL2. Bereits am Sonntag (14 Uhr/MagentaTV) Kaltenhauser in Bremerhaven offers an elegant Aufgabe.

Schon während signal Zeit als Bundestrainer war Söderholm while the person with the EHC is brought into connection, for the year itself on the demand position. During Jackson’s Söderholm 2016 the Meisterschaft, was the anschließend wechselte in the Trainerstab of Munich. After being the best trainer of the DEL2-ausgezeichnet Wurde as coach of the EHC-Kooperationsklubs SC Riessersee 2018, he is the Klub for the Amt des Bundestrainers.

Söderholm trat beim DEB after the sensational Olympia-Silber medal in Pyeongchang 2018 by Erbe von Marco Sturm an. The best Ergebnis in the signal Amtszeit also jumped on the fourth Platz during the WM 2021 heraus. In March 2022, Söderholm was looking forward to the German improvements for a period of four years until 2026, but in November this year it will be possible.

I started with the Trainer posts at the Schweizer Topklub SC Bern, he is the Verein and Trainer who will be busy for a while after the 2022/23 season, however long it will take. If you follow the Wechsel in Munich, the woman with the früheren RB-Profi should be able to experience a new, heritage-oriented approach. It had been more than a year since Schluss.