
First Auszüge from Nawalnys Buch «Patriot» erchienen

Medien in more Ländern had the first Auszüge aus dem “Patriot” in February in the Straflager in the Russian Arktisregion gestorbenen Kremlgegners Alexej Nawalny released. The Spanish Zeitung «El País» has painted Passagen über Torture Methods in Strafvollzug in Russian Medien met Aufsehen with Nawalny. A message appeared in the October 22 autobiography. October erscheint (Fischer Verlag), auch von Vergewaltigungen von Gefangeneen durch Wächter.

In the exile of the human judge, the mistreatment of the prisoners, while the power is overlooked, Nawalny will follow the following methods to help Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin internationally. Der im Alter von 47 Jahren unter nicht klärten Umstandden gestorbene Nawalny hatte de Menschenrechtsverstöße bereits aus der Haft heraus öffentlich gemacht. There is 1. A greater Anteilnahme Tausender Menschen in Moskau bedigt.

Nawalny, in 2020, is now a gift with the chemical that is now used in Germany and treated in Deutschland, schreibt in de book en is de kostenlose todesgefahr. A stelle heißt is a statement in the British Zeitung «The Times», in the book, «it turns out that in the end there are a lot of sollten, my way of thinking is like this». The book is a Mahnung in Russia and the world, in which “The New Yorker” is written.

With: “Laughed a hundred times and wine a hundred times”

Auch der «Spiegel» brought Auszüge. Other media, the book we wollen read, must have a Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarung unterschreiben and itself verpflicht, not before the 22. October in the Buch zu zitieren.

Julia Nawalnaya, together with the Kremlegners Alexej Nawalny, has put together the largest book «Pariot». (Archive image)
Julia Nawalnaya, together with the Kremlegners Alexej Nawalny, has put together the largest book «Pariot». (Archive image) Photo: Andres Kudacki/AP/dpa

Julia Nawalnaya, who, with the Kremlegners, has power over the Monaten Werbung for the Book. Es soll in 20 Sprachen erscheinen. Moreover, it is a glücklich look at history, it is a fascination with Russian. More information about the book has appeared on the Russian internet site, which Nawalny started writing this message after taking over the nuitschok attention. There is a time when we are away in politics and the motivation of the kampf to get Putin nach.

“When I read one of the books, I laughed and cried a hundred times,” says Nawalnaja. Alexej has a good idea, it’s a standard idea. If it’s okay with you, you can authorize the Alexej, in case you bother to look. The Kremlegner War started with a lot of humor in its most elegant layers. «Möge dieses Buch für jeden von ihnen ein Stück Alexei sein.»