
Handball Bundesliga: SC Magdeburg in Flensburg 29:27

Handball Bundesliga: SC Magdeburg in Flensburg 29:27

Title defender SC Magdeburg hat in the Bundesliga das Topspiel. At the SG Flensburg-Handewitt, the Elbestädter opens at 29:27 (17:13). Dabei war Omar Ingi Magnusson with zehn Toren bester Magdeburger Schütze, dazu said Torwart Sergey Hernandez gleich 14 Paraden. Magdeburg plays with eight top-level players in the Spitzengruppe of the Bundesliga.

Keine 48 Stunden nach der Niederlage must choose in the Champions League to beat the Magdeburger with the Spitzenspiel in the Bundesliga. Magdeburg I have a problem with abschluss and reed in the back position, I work even more than a game on the upper floor and went seinerseits with two towers in Führung (8:6/14.). There are a few penalties that are best executed by setting the break to four hits.

Torwart Hernandez am Ende divorced

The SCM verpakt it if the Seitenwechsel function is greater, than Tore davonzuziehen, the control over the Torwart Benjamin Buric. But only when Magdeburg in Unterzahl geriet, es purchased Flensburgthe Rückstand auf zwei Treffer zu reduzieren (21:19/41.). In the event that the SCM plays in the Ausgleich, it cannot be the case that the SG plays the game. Magdeburg takes advantage of the high flight of the last weeks, but more Paraden from Hernandez took advantage of the SCM with a snapping Vorsprung (27:24/56.), which brought the team beyond the Zeit.

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