
Universität Bayreuth starts in winter semester 2024/25

Universität Bayreuth starts in winter semester 2024/25

Internationalität als Erfolgsrezept

The University of Bayreuth is having a quiet year and for all international affairs in the winter semester 2024/2025: the first semester of the year, the academic year with no fewer than 12,000 lies. Etwa 17 Prozent von ihnen kommen aus dem Ausland.

“I have an international strategy in full swing,” said University President Stefan Leible zum Semesterauftakt: 15 Prozent der Professuren since international besetzt, witschaftliche Mitarbeiter and Mitarbeiterinnen come sogar zu fast 25 Prozent in dem Ausland. Kurz before his 50th world, verzeichnet the Universität Bayreuth with high 1,570 a inheritance reuliche First semester and with planted insgesamt gut 11,970 stable Studierendenzahlen. “The Universität Bayreuth has a range of 40 German and English undergraduate studies and regulatory top levels in national and international rankings, an attractive option for young students taking on the world’s debt burden,” says Leible. One of the Universität Bayreuth will come to half of the studies in other federal states or in Ausland in the winter semester 2024/25. “Internationality is the basis for a comprehensive approach to research and education,” said Leible and said, “We will achieve an internationalization strategy in 2021.” The Ergebnis is a German gestiegene bewerberzahlen in Ausland.

A number of people in Bayreuth are there, the city and the university have had a joint service point for a year, the mittlerweile-erfolgreich in the international ‘hearts of the city’ in RW21-arbeitet. International visibility is relevant to all aspects of research. The beginning of the Universität Bayreuth in its involvement with Australian: It is a federation of the financing of Bayern-Queensland Forschungsallianz als zweistaatliches Forschungsförderprogramm beteiligt. In Bayreuth it is the central coordination structure financed by the Freistaat Bayern, the Forschungskooperationen Swiss Bayerischen Universitäten and Hochschulen that anstößt and unterstützt Wissenschaftseinrichtungen in Queensland.

Highlights of the Monate demise

Faculty in Kulmbach: Der europeweite Architectenwettbewerb would be hereditary abgeschlossen. The siegerentwurf functionally and optically reflects the interdisciplinarity of the fakultät more broadly. It is one of the most important for the University of Bayreuth and for all major Neubauvorhaben. Nun has started Vergabeverfahren. Mit einem Einzug was judged in 2033. Mittlerweile hat de Facultät four Studie in Angebot. The young Zuwachs is the English-language Master „Food System Sciences“ as a direct Anschlussmöglichkeit zum Bachelor in Kulmbach. Erfolgreich started in 2024 with Transferformat “Food Valley”, with Unternehmen and Startup-Ideen with Forschung and Studium brought together in Kulmbach. The knüpft of the Lebensmittel-Schwerpunkt der Stadt Kulmbach an, ebenso wie der Career Pitch Kulmbach at 6.11., wenn sich regional Unternehmen den Studierenden in Kulmbach as potenzielle Arbeitgeber vellen.

Nachhaltigkeit: The UBT implements an energy management system and works with Zertifizierung according to DIN ISO 50001 vor. Parallel to the development of the Treibhausgas-Bilanzierung of the UBT, the cooperation with the Ingenieurwissenschaften and the UBT is protected. Nachhaltige Mobiliteit is een Dauerbrenner op verschiedenen Ebenen, zum Beispiel hinsichtlich Transfer in Stadt und Countrykreis, dazu wurde das “Transformationslabor Hochschule” etabliert. Durch die zo geschaffene Öffentlichkeit und de engen Austausch zwischen Universität und Stadt bzw. Landkreis Wurden Zahlreiche Akteure Neu Für Eine Förderung der Nachhaltigen Mobilität Sensibilisiert. The mobility and the UBT of the commuting mobility of the civilized and study results will be improved. The design of the Fahrradinfrastruktur on the Campus is being improved at the base.

Forschung: The Wissenschaft an der Universität Bayreuth spent a year researching the results of his reports. This is the Gründung of the KI Research Center RAIS2. This central platform for the Vermittlung of KI-Expertise and the UBT connects Forschende, Entwicklerinnen and Awenderinnen of KI-Methoden across all Fakultäten-hinweg. A war is being waged against the UBT at Drittmitteln and Förderungen van Land en Bund, for the project “GO Forschung!” for a gender-oriented Forschung with a Bundesförderung of 850,000 Euro or at “Rhizotraits” for modern Anbausystems with 1,900,000 €. The Bayerische Forschungsstiftung for the Entwicklung nachhaltiger products with Generative Design with 1,700,000 Euro, the Volkswagenstiftung a project of Historikern and Geomorphologists with 500,000 Euro. The company is a new Heisenberg-Stelle in the apprenticeship for mathematical mathematics, one of the nachwuchswissenschaftler employees in the Emmy Noether program and a forscherin with the Humboldt-Wissenschaftsscout.

Afrikaforschung: In September there are rapidly 500 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zur Tagung der Vereinigung der Afrikawissenschaften in deutschsprachigen Raum. One of the major Tagungen on our Campus – at the Einladung des Exzellenzclusters “Africa Multiple”. The Africa Research Center at the University of Bayreuth has found a new home in its anniversary year: I am the only one who planted the Africa Research Center (FZA).

Transfer: The Institut für Entrepreneurship & Innovation (IEI) has the Stellung of the University of Bayreuth as Innovation Engine, Innovation Streiber and damit as Partner of Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft weiter aus. Here you can find the Open Innovation Lab of the institutions, where technology labs and ausgebaut are available (Key Lab Glass Technology, Digital Technologies Lab, Material Innovation Lab, Key Lab Additive Innovationen, Game Innovation Lab, Food Valley Kulmbach), so that’s Start – ups and regional high-level technical, öcological and ökonomic experts and orchestration by the IEI were possible. The improved development of the structures and activities are very positive for the Gründungs ​​and Innovation activities. So the Gründungszahlen could all increase by 20% in the last two years and further cooperation projects with the regional business (Innovations-Workshops etc.) were increased (>20). Die Labs are absolutely flawless as Gründungs-Schmieden. So we’ve all rediscovered the Games Innovation Lab over the last 24 years. Auch konnten Tech-Gründungen deutlich gesteigert zijn (increasing Anzahl Förderungen über Exist, Flügge and Research transfer in the last years). They will only be available in 2023 / 2024 d. 50 Netwerkveranstaltungen vom Institut und rd. 10 by the Labs that have been developed and the advocate in all have achieved deutlich erweitert. It is clear that the network is exceptional.

Medizincampus Upper Franconia (MCO): Der Klinische Studienabschnitt hat mittlerweile einmal komplett in Bayreuth stattgefunden. In October I started the first Medizin State Exam in Bayreuth under the Regie der Regierung von Oberfranken statt. I am summer semester 2024 and was ca. 620 Studiende im FAU-Studiengang eingeschrieben, davon ca. 260 in Bayreuth. Three professor hours are composed of: Prof. Dr. Claus Kuhn (RNA Biochemistry), Prof. Dr. med. Wilm Quentin (Planetary Health and Public Health) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Leutheuser (Digital Health). It is very nice to follow a fixed curriculum in the Medizinstudium, to Beispiel Promotion and Wahlfächer.

Thats Bayerische Zentrum voor Batterietechnik (BayBatt) the Opening of the BayBatt Cell Technology Center with Science Minister Markus Blume. Modern Räumlichkeiten and State-of-the-Art-Geräte ensure the best working conditions for production. In that German country, a pilot campaign is being carried out with the repair of batteries, using material classes of art with a higher price. Types of batteries in jewelry can be more sizes. The image is represented by the Fertigungsprozess of Batteriezellen ab. In July the first Bayerische Batterie-Vernetzungskongres was held in Nuremberg, where the Bay Batt waged an impulsive war. The organization of the Bayern Innovativ GmbH and a company of the Bayerische Wirtschaftsministerium trades 200 experts, researchers, unternehmer and Entscheidungsträgerinnen from the battery industry, a new Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen and Chancen in the battery technology for discussions and themselves zu vernetzen. It is a fact that there is a new life, during the High-tech Agenda Bayern schaffenen Professuren at BayBatt now occupied.

Baumassnahmen: In the Rekordzeit volendet, a new modular construction method would take place for the natural development of the High-Tech agenda of the free state. Baulich is the University of Bayreuth that operates all over Saxony, while other people are expanding conventional lighting through LED lighting, the experience of Fahrradstellplätzen makes it possible to cycle and charge bicycles for e-bikes. Insgesamt sind on dem green Campus of University Bayreuth active Photovoltaic-Anlagen with a combined power of approx. 2,700 kWp (Union own + vermietet) installed. The area was approximately 7,500 m2, it was larger than a Fußball field. Damit could be used after wetter bedingungen approx. 2,500,000 kWh Strom per Jahr. These flows were not taken into account for the annual report of approximately 560 single family homes. This E-Fahrzeuge was designed: At the Parkplatz P5 there were four new loading points for refurbishment. Weitere zehn Ladepunkte, davon vier Schnelllader sind in der Planung. The Ausbau der Ladeinfrastruktur takes place in Kooperation mit den Stadtwerken Bayreuth.

Expected Term:

  • 14.10.2024 First semester Begrüßung in Kulmbach and Bayreuth
  • 16.10.2024 Einweihung Key Lab Glass Technology
  • 23.10.2024 Jahrestagung Wissensnetzwerk Rassismusforschung (WinRa)
  • 07.11.2024 BIGSAS Journalist Award
  • 07.11.2024 American Football Summit
  • 08.11.2024 Opening “Research Center for AI in Science and Society”
  • 09.11.2024 Absolvenfeier Kulmbach
  • 15.11.2024 BayWiss Kolloquim Life Sciences and Grüne Technologies in Kulmbach
  • 22./23.11.2024 “Wald Controversies” at BayCeer
  • 27.11.2024 Academic year with Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch

The Uni Bayreuth in Zahlen*:

  • Professor hours: 281 (davon 83 weiblich); Vorjahr: 281; international: 15.3%
  • Studiende Hochrechnung zum 01.12.2024: 11.973 (davon 5.572 weiblich); Vorjahr: 11,924; international (As of 09.10.): 16.9%; Voorjahr: 16.5%
  • First semester (first year at a higher secondary school) on 09.10.2024: 1,294; Hochrechnung zum 01.12.2024: 1.570; Vorjahr zum selben Stichtag 09.10.2023: 1.241; endgültige Zahl zum 01.12.2023: 1.515
  • clearing costs: 1,353 (davon 492 weiblich); Vorjahr: 1,358; international: 24.5%
  • nichtwissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende: 1,029 (davon 626 weiblich); Vorjahr: 1.013; international: 2.8%

*At the study and first semester dates for 2024/25 it acts as a large and high quality, which dates back to the Statistical Time on 01.12.2023. If the personal data appeared on 08.10.2024, the Vorjahreszahl is dated vom Statistikzeitpunkt to 01.12.2023.