
It is the Querbinder who swears the Rivals

It is the Querbinder who swears the Rivals

Bis Freitag soll Klarheit herrschen. So it is the best of the Bundespräsident. If Alexander Van der Bellen likes the parties of FPÖ, ÖVP and SPÖ, it is also not the case that in the combination of two brothers and sisters and their lottery tickets, we can – or even cousin. As Wahlsieger übernimmt is FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kicklthe Kollegen of ÖVP and SPÖ, Karl Nehammer and Andreas Babler zum Tête-à-Tête are bitten.

The Bezeichnung “ausbaufähig” for the Beziehungen zischen the Spitzen is not tertrieben. Nehammer has been in a good location in the Parlament Kickl das Du-Wort entogen and his Wahlkampf, the chef of the blau as a radical and politics has no influence on the brand markings. This antipathy tends to heal, because breathing in common sense is erheblich sind. Babler wiederum live on TV Kickl als “brandgefährlich für unsere Demokratie” bezeichnet. Nehammer and Babler can focus on the ground for maximum rendering at maximum programmatic distance. Insgesamt also cannot produce good results on the Irgendeine Koalition.

Blauer Manager and Rote Gewerkschafter

But that isT of course not the whole truth. Every personal approach is one of many others, a march of time, and bitter relationships will have arisen. The Anfang der Zweiten Republik can no longer be used. And then it is still the case that the party that Querverbinder is on the political path. I follow a kurzer Blick on the party-political Grenzgänger in the active vertrackten situation.

The rotten blue conversation channel has been barren for 40 years. The strong point is that they both no longer get the ÖVP, but since 1986 it has never been clearer. Der Blaue with the woman can best contact the head of the Civil Service as manager and federal administration of the free economics programs Arnold Scheffer. If the ÖBB-Vorstand is a good thing for an etliche kitchen, everyone can use their vida-Chef Roman Hebenstreit. An intact basis for conversation has reached both Social Prechers in Parliament, Dagmar Belakowitsch for the FPÖ and Josef Muchitsch as FSG Chief.

Türkis-blaues Nest in Wiener Neustadt

Dass Türkis and Blau dear Kumpels were, but by no means long hair. But Kickl & Co has kept its promise, the ÖVP has started – after the owner Lesart – tried to go to “Knittelfeld” in 2002 and to go to the “Ibiza affair” in 2019. It is the ÖVP der Hauptgegner der Blauen. We also have Eiszeit herrscht, find the man who Querverbinder the first place in the Ländern and der Wirtschaft, all for Industry.

In Wiener Neustadt there is a house Nest Davon. That’s it Klaus SchneebergerBürgermeister and gray Eminenz der Landes-ÖVP. There are large numbers of Black and Blue colors for St. Pölten as well. Landeschef and Vize-LH are on FPÖ-Seite Udo Landbauer anyway General Secretariat Michael Schnedlitz from the Alten Residenzstadt Kaiser Friedrich III. Here comes heavy auch ÖVP General Christian StockerBut there is official encouragement from the Kanzler Party to the Anti-Kickl Line.

Gute Kontakte zur FPÖ was transferred to the Upper Austrian ÖVP Landesrat Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer attestiert, der ab Jänner den Job des Wirtschaftskammer-Generalsekretärs übernimmt. Von Linz said oh well Manfred Haimbuchner a slow Rolle, among the blue Landes-Vize a concrete business friendly line follows. Gold-plated titles: Tragfähiger as the personal connections were for the fall of the fall of a coalition with Sicherheit die inhaltlichen Gemeinsamkeiten sein.

Türkis-Rot: Wenn nur die Inhalte nicht wären!

I look at the Turkish-Roten contacts in the first League. It started with Nehammer, that’s different Sebastian Kurz – for the Sozialdemokraten kein rotes Tuch ist. Zum ein spÖler pflegt der Kanzler sogar private Beziehungen, etwa zum Wiener Finanzstadtrat Peter Hankethen the Turkish Minister of Finance or the Vizekanzler are princes. Kein Geheimnis is his colleague, the social partner with the chairman of the Wirtschaftskammer and the Gewerkschaftsbund, Harald Mahrer and Wolfgang Katzianan compromise for the future work. Offensive operations in the Steiermark LH Christopher Drexler and Vize Anton Long for a schwarz-rotes Bündnis. And then the Rote Wien nor a traditional Bundnis with the black Wirtschaftskammer. Burgermeister Michael Ludwig and WKW President Walter Ruck read for the submission of some photos from the area. Also all palettes for Türkis-Rot? If the inhalation is not true!

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