
Follow 26: February 2019: 30 Lügen

Follow 26: February 2019: 30 Lügen

All sequels to “Vier Jahre Trump”

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This audio film is part of the project “Vier Jahre Trump”. Darin has started with Donald Trump’s presidential election after 48 months in 48 episodes. All following information can be found here.

The transcript of the episode

MODERATION: February 5, 2019, Washington. Congress and the House of Representatives are sister groups, um Donald Trump reason to hear. Let’s watch the President’s State of the Union speech. A stunde and 22 minutes long. Fast 47 Millionen Menschen schauen laut een Nielsen-Erhebung im Fernsehen zu.

An economic miracle is happening in the United States, and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations. If there is peace and legislation, there can be no question of war and investigation. It just doesn’t work that way.

Donald Trump

MODERATION: There is talk of a economic miracle in the US, which is now a “stupid Kriege of Politics”, which has developed.

Durch Reason who receives an update at this time of the Congress. Please note that your direction is in a light light on the back. But under Trump, the ritual is taken to a new level.

About 30 flights or an analysis has been carried out WashingtonPost. Another example is the new Arbeitsplätzen and the Wirtschaftswachstum located at this height.

While Trump overdramatizes the Low and the South American, heißt es.

Meanwhile, working-class Americans are paying the price for mass illegal migration—fewer jobs, lower wages, overburdened schools, hospitals so busy you can’t get into them, increased crime, and a depleted social safety net.

Donald Trump


MODERATION: In February it is a final for Haushalt. Genauer: über de Verwendung von Steuergeldern für eine Mauer en der Südgrenze zu Mexiko.

If Donald Trump earns US$5.7 billion. Stattdessen soll pretty much 1.4 Billion Dollars obtained.

Trump is guessing – who knows – a national stand against the South African border. That’s clear, but Gelder would be useful otherwise. If the Billion Dollars, which are inherent to other military projects and programs, will develop, Trump will now benefit from his Mauer.

I’ve already done a lot for the 2020 election. And the only reason we’re talking about this here is because of the election, because they want to try to win an election, which it seems like they’re not. will be able to do. And this is one of the ways they think they can possibly win, which is through obstruction and a whole bunch of other nonsense. And I think I just want it done faster.

Donald Trump


MODERATION: Was Trump über Trump in February 2019, I am 11. February at a Wahlkampfrede in El Paso, Texas:

Is there any place more fun than a Trump rally? Is there a place?

Donald Trump