
DAS-Africa-Pressespiegel KW 41/2024: Vom Parlament (ab)berufen

DAS-Africa-Pressespiegel KW 41/2024: Vom Parlament (ab)berufen

DAS-Africa-Pressespiegel KW 41/2024: Vom Parlament (ab)berufen

The Äthiopiens Parlament wants new presidents: Together with the two parliamentarians in Addis Ababa, Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie went to see the president. While the Abstimmung in the House of Representatives (HoPR) and the House of the Federation (HoF) is worth an increasing share of attention. This is the position of the head of state of the first weiblichen president in the Thiopian History, Sahle-Work Zewde. The 1974 US elections began to progress before the first US administration took action, after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed went to war with Zerwürf.

The Ernennung Tayes is not with a political change of power, the Äthiopische Verfassung is the Befugnisse of the Presidents, without any doubt and representation. Taye is the first president to challenge the authoritative military rule in 1991 and the funfte of the Verabschiedung of the active Verfassung of 1995.

As former Botschafter Äthiopiens in Egypt and as formal representatives of the United Nations in New York, we have elected a president for a wide variety of diplomacy until 2030. Before the US ministerial war took place in February these years, a political debate was held by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on January 68, 2023. After the research of experts and experts, political science can play an important role in the einleitung of Friedensprozessen in the Horn of Africa. In solving the problems, Thiopien went to work, the Beziehungen of the Nachbarländern in All Bereichen zu stärken and erklärte, seine wichtigsten Prioritäten seien of the Aufbau eines nachhaltigen nationalen Friedens and the Gewährleistung of Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Man was affected by the consequences of the Friedensbemühungen in Sudan.

If you are concerned with bilateral state aid relations, you can concern yourself with the span in Egypt and Somalia. Thiopien began an investigation in January 2024 with the de facto autonomous State of Somaliland, which is no longer internationally available. In the Abkommen of the Thiopiene Zugang at Somalilands Handelshafen Berbera am Golf von Aden gewährt and a Pachtgrundstück in Aussicht gestellt, auf dem es einen Marinestützpunkt will focus. I have seen the Direction of Abiy Ahmed, a strong umbrella position in the fortified Somalilands for an international recognition that occurred and a statement damit the Souveränitätsanspruch Somalias infrage (Pressespiegel KW 2/2024).

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Mitte August has delivered a speech with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo, leading the station of the Egyptian Military Air Force on the flight from Mogadischu to the Officers and Ausrustation of the Air Force von Kommandozentralen im South Somalia decision. The Beziehungen in the region were charged with the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) due to geopolitical tensions. Gyptians, the grim vom Süßwasser des Nils is abhangig, that the flussaufwärts located and Äthiopien die during the Trockenzeiten as Druckmittel einsetzen könnte. Before the background of such gyptians in other states in the region, the tensions with thiopian are present. So if I first got the Donnerstag al-Sisi and the Somali Mohamud together with the Eritrean presidents of the Isayas Afewerki in Asmara, there is a very good cooperation with this cooperation.

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And so? The Office of the UNESCO General Director Audrey Azoulay has decided, dass Rabat zur Welthauptstadt des Buches 2026 ernannt wurde.

HERE it went straight to the details of the Pressespiegel, in the context of an interesting left collection of more African-politically relevant nachrichtenbeiträgen finds. (Deutsche Afrika Stiftung – DAS)