
Polizei geht von Brandstiftung aus

Polizei geht von Brandstiftung aus

More people are busy during the night of the day Kellerbrand being lost in a party house in the Linzer Innenstadt.

Ermittlungen Weg Brandstiftung

The rettung takes care of 17 people, they will be brought into a great Spitäler with a light amount of energy. Es wird roads Brandstiftung ermittelt. A report has been made by the police.

Hausbewohner noticed Feuer

A 43-jähriger Hausbewohner arrives at the Brand im Keller level at 9:15 pm and a large amount of energy. The Berufsfeuerwehr führte de Löscharbeiten durch. The tenants can leave their accommodation with the property and go to a nearby hotel, where the hotel property is in its possession.

At 9:30 p.m., the “Fire in the Fire” was born. The Brandherd comes from the Keller des Hauses. If you no longer use the Kellertüren, it will end up in the home of a strong Raucentwicklung. The living quarters were occupied by the residents of Linz AG Gas and the Berufsfeuerwehr.