
Nina Chuba: Erkannt? So sah the Rapper comes out

Nina Chuba: Erkannt? So sah the Rapper comes out

When the name Nina Chuba (25) comes up, I think I will spend the most time with the hit “Wildberry Lillet”, with the singer and rapper in the year 2022 of German music. Show an album and watch TV with sympathetic art and a credible guest.

Nina Chuba moderiert “Wer stihlt mir die Show?”

Heute Abend (13. October), gestiehlt with Joko Winterscheidt (45) in the blessing of the show. When Nina Chuba started in the music business, her search for TV never started again – when in her early years she starred with the role of Marie Krogmann in the children’s series “Die Pfefferkörner”. looks at the images and says the childhood photos of the best rappers.

A detail stands out softly under the photo of Nina Chubas Kinderfoto’s

New outfits, new tops and new models: Nina Chubas’s modern credit has always been a limit. So when you are busy with the Auftritt, you can no longer rap, but a real glove for Fashion hats. So the fallen war dies young Nina, the damals neither under the names Nina Flynn goes further nor further away.

When you see the beautiful photos of a real Schauspieler, you feel so comfortable: the knitted, authentic grin that is so beautiful. A small war caused by young people will not cause any damage. A photo appeared that led to a number of photo shoots for “Die Pfefferkörner” in 2008.

Ex-“Pfefferkörner” star Nina Chuba poses in the handstand

The image says that it is with two TV colleagues, it is a stupid position, while the head is placed in the handstand. Was for a nice time! Weitere Porträts aus derselben Photo session is a pleasant snapshot. Young Nina’s laughter ends quickly. If there is a photo in the sky, soda in the brown hair, the people who still do not shine and glatt trug, and life fly in the air.

Look, what matters is a personal impression

Who is the 25 year old woman who played clay? For shooting, a new look is best with a red long-arm shirt and a thin print shirt with an unnoticeably pulled up pair of augen. Dazu Flare Jeans and brown Stiefel. And look, no matter how bad it is, it won’t be any longer before we can see our joy in life and our free time.