
Who puts a wine label on the wine?

Who puts a wine label on the wine?

WIf you have a bottle in a bottle, you can make up the label. Traditionally, wine labels serve as information for the winery and the nut in the arrangement of the wine, the restorer, the ort, the traube and the vintage. Aber Wein labels can be applied to a slate wall for a number of branded artwork activities. And the mirror of wine labels is no wider than the fine wine. Aber not ever. Wine labels can be used, a logical and political Botschaften are vermitteln, and in seltenen Fallen as Propagandawerkzeug.

Was it safe to look at wine labels? Click on this Gallery and discover the art of wine.

Die "Labels"

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Those first “Labels”

It was already another Egypt that started first, Einzelheiten über ihre Weine zu dokumentieren. Dies geschah nicht durch Etikettierung, without due to Inscriptions. Terracotta wine bridges often contain hieroglyphs, the Anbaugebiet, the Weinberg and the Winzer bezeichneten.

Detailed descriptions

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Detailed descriptions

Neben Wein wurden in diesen Inschrifts as well as other Waren wie Ale or Fett genannt. Longer text takes a year, the demand of the goods and the analysis is worth it. Diese’s Krug fragment dates from the Regierungszeit von Amenhotep III., the new Pharaoh of the Achtzehnten Dynasty, ca. 1390–1353 against Chr.


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The Römer, who himself has made one or two Krüge Wein drinks, sucked es vor, the Details are still the Neck of the Kruges that gravitate. Diese’s photo is an illustration of two wine bottles that were collected in Pompeii around 1800.

Auf Papyrus geschrieben

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Auf Papyrus geschrieben

The gyptians are used in the method of the knowledge of weinen, which reimburses information about papyrus piece radiation and thus the frühesten representation of one of the best ways in which labels are pushed.

Printed wine labels

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Printed wine labels

I think there are all kinds of products, labels on labels with Hilfe a Steins and a Tintenrolle herzustellen available.

Erfindung der Druckerpresse

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Erfindung der Druckerpresse

The discovery of the books in the year 1436 by Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized the recovery of texts for Bücher.

The first labels have been removed from the paper

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The first labels have been removed from the paper

But first with the printing of lithographic prints in the 1780s in Germany, the first labels on paper.

Mass market

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Mass market

The lithographic printing ink made possible the benefits of mass production of smaller labels. And whoever obtains the radiation from the ancient times, obtains all the hereditary order lichen information, one of the art, restorer and region identification.

Einfaches design

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Einfaches design

Ursprünglich, the Wine Labels were conservative in their Gestaltung. This is a label of Château Mouton Rothschild J. Calvet & Cie Bordeaux from the year 1900.

Special designs

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Special designs

But with the better handling of the pressure paint, the wine labels are always better. In the beginning, many stores started to design the large furniture.

Die Möglichkeit zur Selbstdarstellung

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Die Möglichkeit zur Selbstdarstellung

One of the best sellers to engage in with marketing potential is in private label recovery. This image says a label of the restaurants in Paris Yes RenéWein were born with the householders.

Seltene Labels

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Seltene Labels

Georgia is one of the most important wine growing regions in the world. The labels, the knowledge and the operation of the part of the world we have created depend on the selection you make. The extensive labeling is in the Numisi Cellar Museum in Velistsikhe zu sehen.

The label ends up on the bottle

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The label ends up on the bottle

The labeling methods of the early 20’s were difficult. They were still written, but also produced by the labels on the bottles, which were never a manual process. Here you see one of the French entrepreneurs in the 1920s doing the kitchen work in the cellar.

Baron Philippe de Rothschild (1902-1988)

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Baron Philippe de Rothschild (1902-1988)

Château Mouton Rothschild’s labels are put to the test among the Sammlern. It seems that the Winzer Baron Philippe de Rothschild got the idea, the Château Mouton Rothschild label is one of the best ways to pass the time welding.

Jean Carlu (1900-1997)

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Jean Carlu (1900-1997)

French graphic designer Jean Carlu created the first label for Château Mouton Rothschild in 1924, the first Mal, a graphic artist and a wine label during the war.

Künstlerischer Wein

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Künstlerischer Wein

Seitdem Wurden zahlreiche Künstler met der Gestaltung eines Etiketts von Château Mouton Rothschild beauftragt, Darunter Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dalí, Henry Moore, Marc Chagall and – here in the image – David Hockney, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.

Königliches label

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Königliches label

In 2004, Charles, Prinz von Wales (jetzt King Charles III.), was an Etikett. Belief in the label images is increasing, while the auction has contained a shocking summary for many years.

A fresh wine, a fresh year

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A fresh wine, a fresh year

If Château Mouton Rothschild is no longer sold, the price will be higher. This seltene bottle of the French Burgunderweins Romanee-Conti des Jahrgangs 1945 is one of the 600 bottles, the jewels have been repaired. The label must identify the goods and identify all years of time. Does anyone else have any information about the typical characteristics of a bottle of wine label that you find?

Das Label lessons

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Das Label lessons

If the mandatory label on the wine label is heard of the name and signature of the charities or the fillers of the wines, or the herkunftsländer, the mixture of the heritage and the alcohol in volume prozent, if the wine lies over 1.2%.

Good health benefits

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Good health benefits

Zunehmend believes that you can pay attention to the label on the label, while for men and women it works with alcohol heiten for the tag and the color for glass.

If you want to drink alcohol, don't drink alcohol

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If you want to drink alcohol, don’t drink alcohol

This etiquette in a French way says a symbol, a word for a trinking schwangere woman. In many states, under the pressure of general health care, the alcohol and alcohol industries are obliged to remove alcoholic drinks for risk groups, without warning for pregnant women.


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In a world that is civilized with its own existence, the Winzer could never win a “green planet” in exchange for its products with botanical fresh products, which insist on sour Weinberge, “grünere” Weine and lighter Flaschen. In the world of global wine and spirits, there is a high probability of longevity in a long-term business.


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A botschaft can lead a social life. Both of these in Germany have a bottle with “Pink Tractor” and “Coming Out” inscription. Both can be used in the sexual way in the Weinbau brands.


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Some bottles can be used with a special version, if a QR code is opened, with an intelligent device, a real truth of the products you want to use. This function is one of the most advanced technologies set by Winzer, a craft of emptying and the Verbrauchern of the technology used, it is the real product that is produced.

The Art of Wine Labeling

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The Art of Wine Labeling

It may be that there is an expert label of the time the cutlery is prepared on the goose pit. In the United States, the work of Erin McGee Ferrell and Allen Bunker is carried out on American Rotweinflaschen.

Creative Partnership

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Creative Partnership

A creative partnership with Winzern and Künstlern is for both von Vorteil. This labeltist is sold: “GLÜCK KANN MAN NICHT KAUFEN. ABER DU KANNST meinen PINOT BLANC TRINKEN!”

Geschäftliche Partnerschaft

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Geschäftliche Partnerschaft

I am United King of the English heritage under the Marke Steenhenge Vertriebene Honigwein de Geschichte Grossbritanniens, compensation is for one of the berühmtests prehistoric Denkmäler der Welt wirbt and gleichzeitig for Honigwein wirbt, an alcoholic Getränk, the gemeinhin als Met kannt ist en dessen Ursprünge im Mittelalter wurzeln.

The Politics of Wine

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The Politics of Wine

Such a label can be placed in a political location. This photo in the year 2007 said that the label was once inside the bottle, when it saw Australian Prime Minister John Howard. We wrote the published “Howard’s End” and said a caricature of the English Prime Ministers, who was one of the Prime Ministers, in this case is an example of radical reform of Labor Law. This period sees the Howards government overthrown, making the reforms of the Arbeitsbeziehungen and the Steuerrechts unpopular over the years.


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Do you want to have a white label? Check out a photo in this photo. These wine bottles with labels, from the Nazi fuhrer Adolf Hitler, ended up in a Regal in Weinkeller von Lunardelli Wine in Collaredo di Prato near Udine, Italy, in September 2003. The German Regie has become the Italian Regie, through the Labels on Lunardellis Wein, while there were other infamous Nazis, who created an Entschließung der Europäische Union zur Bekämpfung der Verbreitung racial Bilder en Literatur. The sale of goods is prohibited in Germany, both products with images and slogans from the Nazi prohibition are possible.

Das Etikett als Propaganda

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Das Etikett als Propaganda

Eine Reihe von Rotweinflaschen mit der Aufschrift “Una Grande Libre”, the name sich von einem Motto aus dem franquistieken Spanienableitet – “Eine Große und Freie” -, was written in a bar in the southern Stadtteil Usera in Madrid. General Francisco Franco, the Anführer of the nationalist Krafte, who founded the democratic Republic of Spain in the Spanish Civil War, would not be the leader of the right-wing extremist party.

Eine Erinnerung und das Getränk

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Eine Erinnerung und das Getränk

If you have the best design for your restaurant’s labels, you would be wise to ensure that the sommelier also thinks and can think in Essen. Viele gehobene Local beetroot diesen sisterätzlichen Service an.

Quellen: (Premier Labels) (CS Labels) (National Archives of Australia)

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