
1. FC Normannia Gmünd: “I am Endeffekt ist ärgerlich”

1. FC Normannia Gmünd: “I am Endeffekt ist ärgerlich”

In the Fußball-Oberliga of the 1. FC Normannia Gmünd with SV Oberachern empfangen. The beef 200 Zuschauer, which came into the Schwerzer was a Samstagnachmittag, bekamen a wirklich gutes Oberligaspiel zu sehen, and the end is keinen Sieger gab. 2:2 ended the game. A Remis, with the fact that Normannia could last a lifetime, if it was Ende, it was not possible to win 3:1. “Wir hatten die deutlich höhere Anzahl an zahleren Chancen, auch mehr fürs Spiel getan, aber wir wussten natürlich auch, was Oberachern in de vergangen Wochen auf den Platz ,” summarized Normannia-Trainer Zlatko Blaskic.

The party started to flop after the war was recognized, and a ball was fought here. If the ball lands with Mehmet Güzelcoban, the plötzliche free time will be with Yannick Ellermann, but also not by Joshua Kopf who enters the battle. Von Ellermann nor per Fuß bärenstark abgefälscht, landete der Ball am Pfosten (9. Minute).

After a schnellen Angriff game by Luca Molinari with Marvin Gnaase, the game is played in an exciting way and abzog. Oberacherns Schlussmann Mark Redl parierte gleaming in links below Eck (13.). The anschliegende Ecke hates it and falls into himself. In the center you can make your own head, but you will also meet the Pfosten, Redl war wieder dran (13.). It is a good Upper League game, with a light field frost for the hosts, but always with great Vorstößen Oberacherns. One of these products is one of the best solutions in Tor countries. Marin Stefotic drove with his back to his own Achse, and twisted the leather into a link to the 1:0 guest turn (26.).

Now that Normannia no longer exists, it plays on and hates the young Georg Wilhelm, who has a new power, the next Abschluss, but which Redl portrays grimly (32.). There was a quick turnaround time when Valerio Avigliano served Valerio Avigliano in the Central Tim Group, such as jedoch kein Problem war für Redl (41.). While others see this, it is neither a Güzelcoban, but Ellermann parierte (45.). In the first minute of the next match, Luca Molinari Fabijan Domic won the Kopfball win (45.+1).

The second Halbzeit started more dynamically and continued with her. Then he met Joao Viktor Schick at the ball, while he was coming in and followed a soft drink from the ball links into the Ecke to a 1:1-ausgleich landete (57.). Yet there was no more ruck through the Mannschaft. After winning a flank from the right, Nico Molinari became single from Daneben (66.). The fact is that it may be that it takes a minute now. From Luca Molinari with the ball from the left, Domic connects with Nico Molinari and aims directly at the right in the straight Ecke to 2:1 (67.). The Normannia woman has finished the game and must then have a kurz with Ellermann who thanks, a header ball from Luca Fritz in Zusammenarbeit with the Pfosten aus kurzer Distanz glänzend parierte (73.).

After the war was fought in Normandy, Treffer was no longer informed as a guest for the second time. Nico Molinari wears pointe shoes Shop erneut an Redl (75.), in the minutes of Luca Molinari – wieder an Redl. Both brothers are busy carrying out activities on the Platz. So the war is erneut Luca, der nach een Hereingabe freeistehend vorbeiköpfte (79.). “We have earned the game, it is then versäumt, the written goal to mark. After all, you will be able to see it again. Both Schlussleute were wirklich sehr grime en diesem Nachmittag“, said Blaskic.

The chances of success are high. A longer ball lands at Stefotic, his behavior and the only experience that Emanuele Giardini has. It will land on a ball with the left in Netz to 2:2 (84.). “These two punks, the lost ones, are my own Kappe. If the Mannschaft after the Führung zurückziehen müssen, with hätten from the Ordnung spielen müssen, then Oberachern has now come through quickly. That’s not my power,” said Blaskic vehemently. “Insighted since we lost two punks, we dare not forget them, we have to play with them,” he says in the words of Blaskic der Ärger in Grenzen.

You should try to die in Normandy after the holidays, but at the end of the day. A Kopf-Freistoß-rauschte am Winkelvorbei (86.), it is nor a thing that will ever happen. Nico Molinari flanked in the Mitte, in itself the single Niklas Kalafatis high schraubte, but now that Latte met (89.). It was vermutlich that Happy End became for the Gmünder – it never happened again. “We were very careful with each other, for a whole lot of fun,” said Oberacherns coach Fabian Himmel. Then if you can play 1:0, imagine the football matches, the war will no longer be so good and in the Pokal against Linx. Danach War Gar Nichts Mehr Da, was Uns Sonst Auszeichnet. In the meantime, we will have full time in peace and quiet,” said Himmel. Danach sei seine Mannschaft „until“ gewesen. “Our great Stärke is our mental and that we can never survive,” Himmel repeats. One of these things could be a problem with a punkt – one of the ways the Normans are treated.

Stimmen zum Spiel

Joshua Kopf, FCN Internal Defender: “I’m finally done, the fact is that punk is a must. While the great war is a game on a Tor, the largest side will dominate. Allerdings hat from Elle (Yannick Ellermann, born Red.) for a male who is in the game. My header has a lot to do with the fact that the Torwart has excessive content. If there is damage, my first experiences, it is my natural way to enjoy. I am very good at it, because I am active in the training of the trainer.”

Marvin Gnaase, FCN Mittelfeldspieler: “We are always happy to play our part. If you play the game in Griff, you can watch everything in the second half of the time. The war is then a game on a Tor. Then you have followed the game and the fact is that it is not the Ausgleichstreffer that you have played. It is important that you solve a problem. If all goes well, there is a good chance of a war. On the other side of the site we will be able to enjoy our future, we will have chances, we will be happy without it. Okay, Torwart von Oberachern’s war is good, the war is a factor. Trotzdem: wir hätten noch eines more schießen müssen, irgendeins. (über the young team colleague Georg Wilhelm, who started in his first phase of the überzeugen) Power is directional. There is a war going on in terms of how you can exercise the workout, you can still get fuller, while being in control. These roads are a promise. Gegen Oberachern, aber auch schon in Nöttingen.”

Nico Molinari, FCN Midfielder: „We have a very good game today. It’s bitter, but it’s a great Torchancen, one of the best 3:1 machés. Oberachern is a good man, but it is still a way to determine the way of playing the previous courses. Die stehen nicht ohne Grund da oben. So if you want to, you can reach the end of punk life. (If you have your own home, your home is constantly in Leistung) I’ve been gassing for a while, my self-movement is running and running, it’s a good gut. One of the things we do in the Zentrum fühle is that I am a little brusque about the function of this site, but we will give our best.”