
Nach Söderholm-Aus in Munich: “Max hat fully Vertrauen”

Nach Söderholm-Aus in Munich: “Max hat fully Vertrauen”

The four-time German Eishockey-Meister EHC Red Bull Munich has won the season against Trainer Toni Söderholm. Zunächst became the best co-trainer Max Kaltenhauser at the Playoff-Halbfinalists of the season as interim coach between the Munich team. Herr Söderholm, who got into war as Nachfolger von Don Jackson, did not start.

During the 43-year-old Kaltenhauser, who won the DEL2-Meisterschaft in the season with the Eisbären Regensburg, the assistant coach Pierre Allard and Patrick Dallaire can zurückgreifen. The next message on the trainer posts can now become more spectacular.


Reaction to the Niederlagen: Manager Christian Winkler.

“Der Max has no full delays,” said Manager Christian Winkler at MagentaSport. There is one of the best German trainers. “If you have done the whole treatise, the whole explanation and then the drawing you have done, it was passive. Of course, in the background our Hausaufgaben machen, but that is still not a theme at all.”

Nach seiner Zeit als Coach of the German Eishockey-Bundes von
Anfang 2019 until November 2022, with the WM-Vierter 2021 wurde, trat Söderholm a Zwischenstation at Schweizer Topclub SC Bern and. I started the Frühjahr war as a Trainer and other Wirkungsstätte zurückgekehrt, who won the DEL-Titel as Spieler in der Saison 2015/16. The trennung is a tag that is based on the Heimniederlage on theTablelenletzten Düsseldorfer EG. There is war with the Niederlage nacheinander.

“Nach the gods of slates of the unserer meinung nach top besetzten manschaft in der Vorbereitung and im bisherigen saison leaf haben wir nicht de veränderungen wahrgenommen, that aus unserer view of the Letzten Saison notewer, said Wärenen. “In 14 years the Trainer was working on the Saison, but it was not easy, and it is an uncanny disaster.”

After four victories at the beginning, Munich lost three times in Folge in the new SAP Garden. In the Vorbereitung war der Mannschaft in sieben Partien nur ein Erfolg glückt. Schon da hatte es critical stimuli gegeben. However, Söderholm could no longer relive the Wende. In the Vergangen Saison, the Münchner schieden under Söderholm in the semifinal the späteren Vizemeister Fischtown Pinguins Bremerhaven aus. The main run must be regarded as fun-ter-abgeschlossen.

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